Page 22 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 22


          Health, Sanitation and Sexual           In order to find a long-term solution to   and sustainable solution called Mina.  Mina
          Awareness Programme                     address the challenges around menstruation   is a proudly South African, FDA approved
                                                  for girl learners who cannot afford sanitation   menstrual cup, developed by women, for
          This programme was officially launched in   pads, Adopt-a-School launched a pilot   women.  Adopt-a-School Foundation has
          April 2016 and since then 32 schools have   programme on alternative protection   appointed the Serithi Campaign team
          been reached. The programme entails     methods.  The pilot programme is looking   to train its programme managers on the
          comprehensive workshops for boy and girl   at the use of washable pads and menstrual   process of orientating girl learners on the
          learners on topics such as puberty, sexuality,   cups.                          use of the alternative protection methods.
          hygiene, menstruation, circumcision,
          contraception and prevention of pregnancy,   Pilot for altenative protection    Forty learners have attended workshops on
          STIs and HIV/AIDS.
                                                  Target schools:                         sexuality education and self-awareness and
                                                  •  Qhayiyelethu High School,            were introduced to the alternative measures.
                                                  •  Monwabisi High School, Northern Cape  They have agreed to trial both methods
                                                  •  Masakhane Secondary School, KwaZulu-  and share their experiences.  These learners
                                                     Natal                                will then take on the responsibility of
                                                  •  Iniwe Secondary School, KwaZulu-Natal  educating other learners, their families and
              14 378 learners reached                                                     communities on the use of alternative and
              and 14 902 sanitary pads            The Serithi Campaign                    sustainable protection methods.
               donated to girl learners
                                                   The Serithi Campaign is a social enterprise
                                                  company that has developed an innovative

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