Page 28 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 28

Numeracy and Literacy development
          in 2016 | 2017
          133 educators developed in literacy
          136 educators developed in numeracy         Support at these three schools       -  Time Management workshops
                                                      has included:                        -  Reading:  techniques and
          Literacy and numeracy forms the foundation   -  Motivational workshops             evaluation
          of basic schooling.  Adopt-a-School is      -  Remedial Workshops to address     -  Awareness programmes on Foetal
          currently focusing on a number of literacy    visual disorders                     Alcohol Syndrome
          and numeracy development programmes         -  Remedial Workshop focusing on
          and addressing specific barriers to learning,   teaching styles and methodologies  Many of these workshops equip
          including the effects of as foetal alcohol   -  Workshops on making teaching     educators with helpful management
          syndrome in areas such as the Northern        resources                          tools, coping mechanisms and
          Cape.  Adopt-a-School Foundation works      -  Classroom management              methodologies to deal with difficult
          with Brainwave and Mine is Education          workshops                          situations in the classroom.  They
          to implement specialised educator           -  Anger Management Workshop to      have provided solutions to many of
          development programmes in adopted             deal with conflict between staff   the challenges that pose as barriers in
          primary schools around the country. Projects   members                           the classroom, enabling educators to
          include:                                    -  Teaching Fractions                focus on quality teaching.

          Some of these projects include:

           Ntsoanatsatsi                            Emthanjeni                              Parkview
           Primary School                           Primary School                          Primary School
           9 Educators                              4 Educators                             8 Educators
           702 Learners                             466 Learners                            408 Learners

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