Page 83 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 83

              CO-CuRRICuLA          WELFARE         RESOuRCES

                                                                  Infrastructure: Renovation of classrooms, renovation of ablution facilities,
                                                                  ablution facilities, a multimedia centre.
           Mathematics and Physical                               Curricula and Co-Curricula: English educator development programme,
           science online programme  Personal                     mathematics educator development programme, supplementary programme
           Science resources      empowerment                     for Grade 11 and 12 learners in life sciences, ICT programme, interactive boards,
           and science educator   programme        Dictionaries   geography resources and geography educator development programme, school
           development            Career Guidance                 furniture, soccer and netball resources, Life Skills programmes such as HIV/AIDS
           Learner supplementary   programme                      awareness .
           programme                                              Social Welfare: Establishment of a Vegetable garden and an environmental

                                                                  Infrastructure: Renovation of  the classrooms, renovation of  the consumer
           Science resources                                      centre, electricity upgrade, combination court and renovation of the computer
           and science educator   Career guidance                 laboratory.
           development programme   and personal    Dictionaries   Curricula and Co-Curricula: English educator development programme.
           Mathematics  educator   empowerment     Library books  life sciences educator development programme, ICT programme, geography
           development   programme                 School furniture  resources and geography educator development programme,
           Learner supplementary   programme                      soccer and netball resources.
                                                                  Social Welfare: Vegetable garden and environmental programme

                                  Establishment of
           Mathematics and Physical   counselling for             Leadership: Strategic planning, leadership,governance and teambuilding
           science online programme  OVCs                         programme
           English and mathematics   Sanitation    Dictionaries   Infrastructure: Classrooms, a science  laboratory and a library
           educator development    and hygiene     Library books  Curricula and Co-Curricula: Library books and librarian training, science
           programmes             programme                       resources and natural sciences educator development programme and
           ICT programmes         Fundraising                     economic management science educator development programme
           Sports resources       workshop                        Social Welfare: Vegetable garden
                                  Career guidance
                                  and personal

           Mathematics and Physical   counselling
           science online programme  for orphaned
           A  library             and vulnerable
           ICT programmes         children
           Library books and librarian   Sanitation
           training               and hygiene      Dictionaries   Infrastructure: Classrooms
           Mathematics, English   programme                       Social Welfare: Vegetable garden
           and Science educator   Fundraising
           development  programmes  workshop
           Science resources      Career guidance
           Sports resources       and personal
           Soccer League          empowerment

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