Page 85 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
P. 85

CURiCUla aND          SoCial          aDDiTioNal      FUTURE NEEDS.
              Co-CURRiCUla          WElFaRE         RESoURCES

           ICT programme          counselling for
           Language and literacy   OVC
           programmes             Dental hygiene                  Infrastructure: A library, completion of existing ablution facility, a school hall,
           Mathematics educator   programme                       an administration facility, ablution facilities, computer laboratory, feeding
           development programme   Establishment of   Dictionaries  scheme kitchen
           Science resources and   environmental                  Curricula and Co-Curricula: Sports resources, Library books and librarian
           Natural science educator   club                        training
           development programme   Visual support
           Library books          programme
           Soccer kit and resources   Fundraising

           ICT programme          HIV/AIDS
           Library books and librarian   counselling for
           training               OVC
           Language and literacy   Visual support                 Infrastructure: A science laboratory and an administration facility
           programme              programme        Dictionaries   Curricula and Co-Curricula: Sports resources, grade R resources, science
           Sports resources       Establishment of                resources and natural sciences educator development programme
           Soccer league          environmental                   Social Welfare: Vegetable garden
           Mathematics educator   club
           development programme  Dental hygiene
           Fundraising workshop   programme

           ICT programmes         counselling for
           Soccer league          OVC
           Soccer kit and resources  Establishment of             Leadership: Project management course for the SGB and SMT
           Remedial programme for   environmental                 Infrastructure: A computer laboratory, a feeding scheme kitchen, a science
           learners with learning   club                          laboratory, a school hall, paving, electrical fence, sports facilities
           barriers               Sanitation       Dictionaries   Curricula and Co-Curricula: Library books and librarian training, science
           English educator       and hygiene                     resources and natural sciences educator development programme, economic
           development  programme  programme                      management sciences educator development programme.
           Mathematics educator   Career guidance                 Social Welfare: Vegetable garden
           development  programme  and personal
           Fundraising workshop   empowerment

                                  Visual support
           ICT programme          Dental hygiene
           Library books and librarian   programme                Infrastructure: A feeding scheme kitchen, renovation of classrooms, a science
           training               Establishment of                laboratory, a feeding scheme kitchen, completion of existing ablution facility
           Sports resources       environmental    Dictionaries   Curricula and Co-Curricula: Grade R resources and Grade R educator
           Language and literacy   club                           development programmes, Science resources
           programme              Fundraising                     Social Welfare: OVC support programme
           Mathematics educator   workshop
           development programme  HIV/AIDS
                                  counselling for

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