Page 3 - Manangatang New Residents Guide Booklet
P. 3

Manangatang is a Mallee town
      with a population of 300 and is
      situated 80kms west of Swan Hill
      and 54 kms south of Robinvale on
      the Mallee Highway.
      First settled in 1911, “Manangatang”
      is an Aboriginal word meaning
      land and water.
       (“Manang” - land; “Kaatin” - water
      compounded. A place where
      water may be had - “soaks”.)

                                             The township is surrounded
                                             by thousands of hectares of
                                             cereal crops which produce the
                                             highest quality wheat, barley
                                             and legumes.  Properties are
                                             stocked with cattle, pigs, emus
                                             and sheep which produce wool
                                             and fat lambs.
                                             The town has a hospital, a
                                             campus of Robinvale District
                                             Health. This is an aged care
                                             facility offering visiting allied
                                             health services to the public.

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