Page 4 - Manangatang New Residents Guide Booklet
P. 4
The hotel provides accommodation,
there is also caravan and camping
facilities available. Other services
include child health care centre,
pre-school, P-12 College and
elderly citizens’ centre. Barbecue
and picnic facilities are available for
gatherings with family and friends.
Sporting amenities include
football, netball, cricket, bowls,
tennis, golf, swimming pool and of Manangatang is positioned close
course the famous racing club. to national parks and the Murray
River, close to wineries, pokies
and very good fishing.
There are numerous nature
reserves and salt lakes close to
the town to explore.
The new pipeline scheme coming
from the Murray River has reached
“They’ll be racing at Manangatang the township. You will find the
every spring!” The racing complex community of Manangatang very
has a grassed running track and friendly and helpful and you will
modern starting stalls. The annual be made most welcome.
race meeting is held on the
Any questions just ask a local
second Saturday in October. Any questions just ask a local