Page 17 - Annual Report AGM June 2020
P. 17

Speaking at the event, Murray Mallee LLEN’s
                                                              Chairman Ron Stanton said the 2019 Student
                                                              Achievement Awards continued to showcase the
                                                              amazing efforts of students.

                                                              “Similar to last year, this year’s Student Excellence
                                                              Awards received an exceptional number of
                                                              highquality nominations across all categories. This
                                                              highlights the remarkable talents of young people
                                                              throughout the region.”

                                                              “Once again, the Student Excellence Awards have
                                                              been a fantastic occasion to formerly acknowledge
                                                              the efforts of these students and celebrate their
                                                              achievements,” he added.

                                                              Mr Stanton thanked the teachers, trainers, and
                                                              the businesses and organisations who have
       Also presented on the night was the Murray Mallee
       VCAL Partner Achievement Award. The award              supported the vocational education and pathways
       recognises organisations that have been outstanding    of our students.
       in their support of a VCAL project in collaboration
                                                              The MMLLEN was honoured to have the Mayor Cr
       with a school. This year the award was presented to
                                                              Bill Moar and Mr Glenn Stewart from the Office of
       St Mary MacKillop College VCAL senior class. Their
       project was to construct a chook house for the St      the Victorian Skills Commissioner present to help with
       Mary’s Primary School. In accepting the award, St      the celebrations and achievements of the finalists.
       Mary MacKillop VCAL Manager Tony Haley spoke
       enthusiastically about VCAL. “I love VCAL as it is a
       fantastic option for students who have decided on a
       pathway and wish to gain employability skills and real
       life work experience outside the classroom” said Tony.

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