Page 14 - Annual Report AGM June 2020
P. 14

In 2019 Murray Mallee LLEN and the Connect             The service was able to help people explore
       U Project established a Career Support Advice          further education or training pathways available
       Service. The program was held on a weekly              locally to help them reach their desired job or
       basis at the libraries in Swan Hill and Kerang.        career goal.

       It provided the opportunity for young people who       With changes to many traditional industries, it’s
       had recently left school and other community           important for young people and job seekers to be
       members looking for career advice or options for       aware of these changes and to know what skills
       training and further education.                        are needed for these opportunities in the future.

       Other areas that the program offered support           Shannon Arch is a young person who received
       included creating a resume, how to prepare a job       career support during 2019 and is now enrolled in
       application and respond to key selection criteria      an online advanced Diploma of Legal Practice.
       and how to write a cover letter.
                                                              The program was facilitated by qualified career
                                                              support practitioner Di Davies.

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