Page 6 - Annual Report AGM June 2020
P. 6

The Murray Mallee LLEN contracted Local Logic          The Term 4 2019 program was modified to meet the
       Place to develop the Enhanced Transition Program.      specific needs identified by students in their surveys.
       Taking learnings from the DET Student Transition       Sixty-one vulnerable Year 6 students participated in the
       and Resilience Training (START), the Program was       program made up of four sessions. The first of these
       developed in collaboration with Swan Hill College staff   involved key Junior Sub School staff visiting all local
       to support the transition of vulnerable students from   primary schools to answer questions and talk about
       primary to secondary schooling. The DET START          the process of transition. The next 3 sessions were
       Program written by Andrew Fuller emphasised how        held at Swan Hill College with a focus on having fun,
       successful transition should be built on:              building relationships with other students and key staff,
       ►   Establishing strong adult connections and calm     familiarising themselves with the school, learning how
          and positive cultures.                              to read the timetable and master the locks, identifying
       ►   Positive goal setting, boundaries and expectations.  safe places and gaining an understanding of the
       ►   Adopting approaches that enhance                   Wellbeing and Clontarf programs. Parents joined the
          student empowerment.                                students during the last session to learn about College
       ►   Promoting friendships and social skills.           expectations and to build relationships with key staff.
       ►   Having highly visible teacher supports for students
          offering positive feedback and coaching to students.
       ►   Involving families positively in transitioning.

                                                              Importantly students completed a pre and post START
                                                              survey (which was again modified to meet our local
                                                              needs). In this students were asked to rate their
                                                              readiness to transition to secondary school out of 10,
                                                              with 1 being not ready at all and 10 being very ready to
                                                              transition. Findings showed an increase in the numbers
                                                              of students rating their readiness to transition as a 6 out
                                                              of 10 or higher from 47.4% on the Pre-survey to 85.74%
                                                              on the Post. Other positive gains were improvements
                                                              around feeling safe at their new school, feeling confident
        6                                                     about making friendships, greater confidence about the
                                                              locks and knowing what to do at their new school.
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