Page 37 - 2020 October Report
P. 37

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Book Arrangement between
Johnson Scholarship Foundation and R. Malcolm Macleod, v2
September 13, 2022
On September 14, 2020 the Johnson Scholarship Foundation (JSF) Directors commissioned Board Chair Malcolm Macleod to author a book about philanthropy and foundation work. The book will be a practical, hands-on insight about how to run a foundation. It will not be about JSF specifically but will tell his story as the President/CEO of the Foundation.
JSF enthusiastically supports this project.
• Malcolm is uniquely qualified for this project. He is a gifted writer. He also has over 20
years of experience in leading a Foundation.
• The book will benefit philanthropic organizations.
• The book will benefit JSF. In addition to the practical insights, the writings offer current
and future Directors and Staff a look into the history of the Foundation.
• The book will benefit grantees by offering an inside look into the workings of
foundations that fund them.
• Information on this beneficial topic is not available. Currently, we have been unable to
find a book offering these types of insights.
JSF Support
• Financial support of the book will include research, publishing and promotion.
• JSF’s current funding commitment over the life of the project is $75,000. Further
funding for this project requires JSF Board approval.
• The final publication will include a JSF disclaimer.
• Malcolm will provide to the JSF Board, a final transcript of the book prior to publishing,
for final approval from the JSF Board.
Book revenue
• Given the niche market for this book, revenue from sales is expected to be modest. JSF
interest is to partner in providing a needed and absent educational resource. JSF will not receive any proceeds derived from the project. Any proceeds associated with the project will accrue to Malcolm.
______________________________ _______________________________ R. Malcolm Macleod Date Robert A. Krause Date
CEO, Johnson Scholarship Foundation
  Board of Directors’ meeting minutes (draft) (5)
Minutes of the September 12, 2022 Board of Directors’ meeting

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