Page 24 - 2024 June report
P. 24
India from UNF shared that students take the test on average three times at UNF to pass. Kelly from Florida
Polytechnic discussed how each university has a different way of administering exams.
1. Michelle from FAU assigned homework for the group.
2. Michelle asked for ideas from each school to email her suggestions and ideas before the next SUSF
meeting at the end of the month. They need suggestions to recommend to Mike at the Department of
3. Join the next SUSF Meeting in June
4. The goal is to have suggestions before Fall 2024 so they can present them at the Florida AHEAD meeting
in the fall.
• Understand how your university administers exams.
• Do they offer webinars for students?
• Are they consistent?
• Statistically, what is each schools pass rate for the exam?
Sharing passing rate data with the group will inform the issue of all students failing the exam. The State Department of Education will keep the test the same, but how can each university best prepare its students to take and pass the exam?
Michelle shared some practice questions from the exam to share the difficulty of the questions.
Bea thanked Michelle for her presentation and agreed to work with Florida AHEAD. The room is full of current, future, and past presidents of Florida AHEAD.
What are the Hot Topics that we can concentrate on for next year’s meeting? The goal of this meeting is to come together and exchange ideas:
• Florida AHEAD conversations can direct the planning for next year.
• It was mentioned how the staff at each school is spread thin.
• Emotional Support Animals.
Most attendees vigorously discussed ESAs and the challenges of students purchasing documentation online and bringing large dogs and reptiles to campus, creating issues. Emotional Support Animals are different from Service Animals which assist a person with a disability by performing a specific
FGCU worked with its General Counsel’s office to develop a policy for students that has encouraged them to think twice before requesting their pet for housing. Housing has added a deadline for notification of a request. A veterinarian must also confirm animal behavior. FAU shared they cannot go back and revoke accommodations to students. Also, students cannot use purchased letters. They must be ESA- specific, and the ESA requests have created issues for housing.
Page 22 June Report