Page 25 - 2024 June report
P. 25

Some schools have had Office of Civil Rights complaints filed against them. It was mentioned that the process must be clear to ensure the decision does not put the Student Accessibility Services Center (SASC) in jeopardy. Schools mentioned they have a great relationship with the Housing Department, and some have Housing Accessibility Staff in the SASC office. Housing rules are different at each school but must follow legislation. Also, hurricanes and evacuations pose special problems for students who may not have registered at a local shelter.
There was no report from the University of Central Florida. The UCF attendees had to leave early because of a family emergency.
Student Accessibility Resources has a small staff of 3 people who work with the 600 students registered with the office. SAR proctored approximately 1,600 exams. UWF has 14 applicants for the Johnson Scholarship.
There are 141 confirmed applicants for the Johnson Scholarship, and they have approximately 3,300 students registered. It was noted that the May 1 application deadline coincides with final exams, which could prevent some students from applying. USF publishes a flyer promoting the scholarship in addition to sending email blasts. The team is intentional about promoting the scholarship all year round, not just during the application window. Also, the coordinators follow up with students who have expressed interest.
The Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities (FCSUA) now has a presence at UNF. Also, the Student Accessibility Services has undergone some renovations. Meanwhile, the ACCESS academy went through a yearlong revision. There are 34 applicants for the Johnson Scholarship and 1,300 students registered with SAS.
There are more than 7,000 students registered with the DRC. The number of full-time staff has increased to 18. There are 30 student assistants to help with testing, which is available until 10 p.m. daily. There are 3 new endowments, and 7 scholarships available to undergraduates with disabilities. Also, a grant from the university allowed the DRC to purchase some new adaptive technology like Livescribe pens. The number of deaf and hard- of-hearing students has increased, and the office hired a 2nd staff interpreter. The interpreters will be at every university commencement, which was a big win. The groundbreaking for the new DRC building will be in October. There are 44 applicants for the Johnson Scholarship.
The number of Johnson Scholarship applicants increased from 6 last year to 16 this year. There were 620 students on campus last year, and as the enrollment grows, so does the need for more housing options. The university now has a committee on campus for accessibility. The school had more wheelchair access at graduation this year, and the website is being redesigned to be more accessible. There are about 90 students registered with the Accessible Learning Center, and there were 405 requests for accommodations last year. The office now has its own golf cart to help with transportation needs.
There have been many changes in the Office of Accessibility Services, which has about 5,000 students registered. 32 scholarships were awarded last year, and so far, there are 50 applicants. It was mentioned that the need for 2 letters of recommendation continues to be a barrier for some students. This has been discussed in the past.
 Education / A Powerful force for change Page 23

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