Page 19 - January 2023 Report
P. 19

Grant Program Committee meeting minutes (draft)
December 10, 2022
Members Present: Bea Awoniyi, Sherry Salway Black, David Blaikie, William Corwin, I. King Jordan, Jr., Richard Krause, Robert Krause (non-voting), Malcolm Macleod, Mike Miller
Others Present: Lady Hereford, Sharon Wood, Angie Francalancia Malcolm chaired the meeting.
1. September 2022 meeting minutes
The minutes of the Committee’s September 2022 meeting had been circulated and were approved.
2. Business arising from the minutes/Program reports
In September, the Committee discussed Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind’s 2021-2022 funding report, which stated that FSDB’s Advancement Department had raised $1,682,770. Unused JSF funds are recommended to be placed in a contingency fund, but the amount in the fund was not listed. Staff later determined that the contingency fund contained $58,000. A question was raised about whether the $1.68 million includes the distribution from JSF. Staff will request this information.
A discussion took place about staff’s ongoing inquiry into the declining number of applications for the UPS scholarship. Scholarship America representatives believe UPS can do more to market the scholarship to students. A meeting with a UPS representative is being scheduled.
In response to a question raised in September, Prime Buchholz has provided a recommendation about the current Estimated Distribution Requirement calculation method of 5% plus the average Consumer Price Index for the prior 5 years. Staff received the recommendation after the meeting materials had been circulated. That information will be shared with the Chair and reported at the next meeting.
King expressed that the Milestone 1 Report from George Washington University is a good one. Because of limited participation from Career Service representatives, GWU proposes a case study approach rather than interviews for part of the study. It was agreed that this is a reasonable change. The GWU team includes 2 professors and 3 graduate assistants. They plan to present their findings at the American Educational Research Association.
3. Discretionary and Matching grants
a. The following Director Discretionary Grants were unanimously approved:
  • Star Center Theatre, Inc.
• Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech • Leverett Outdoor Education
$12,000 $ 4,000 $ 1,000
The following Matching grants were unanimously approved:
• American Indigenous Business Leaders $750 • First Peoples Fund $750 • National Indian Child Welfare Association $750 • Flagler College $250 • East Stroudsburg University Foundation $250 • Lake Worth High School Alumni Foundation $250 • Prosperity Now $250 • Santa Fe College $250

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