Page 18 - January 2023 Report
P. 18

 January Report 2023
Compensation Committee meeting minutes (draft)
December 10, 2022
Members Present: I. King Jordan, Chair; Bea Awoniyi, Mike Miller, and Sherry Salway Black The meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm
1. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the September 11, 2022 meeting were approved as circulated.
2. Business arising from the minutes.
There was no business arising from the minutes.
3. Salary Increases for Staff and Consultants in 2023
The Committee reviewed the background information provided by the Chief Financial Officer and approved a 5.5 % cost of living increase for both staff and consultants to take effect January 1, 2023.
4. Medical Benefits for Staff in 2023
The premiums numbers are not yet final because neither Dick nor Sharon has heard from the federal government regarding Social Security medical deductions, nor do they have final numbers for their outside insurance premiums. The Committee approved the medical costs as presented with the understanding that the final numbers will be provided as soon as they are available and that those should not reflect any dramatic increases.
5. Council on Foundations’ Grantmaker Salary and Benefits Report
The Committee noted it was an impressive report and probably most useful for the CEO to assess staff salaries. It did not include information on foundation board compensation for future reference.
6. Other Business
There was no other business.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:11 pm.
The next scheduled meeting is March 19, 2023 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Respectfully submitted December 13, 2022
Sherry Salway Black I. King Jordan Recording Secretary Chair

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