Page 10 - Technical Saw Palmetto Booklet
P. 10

MTC Industries, Inc.
                                                                        Herbsine Bioengineering Co., Ltd.

                               6. Iodine Value and Unsaponifiable Matter

                  The  iodine  value  represents  the  degree  of  unsaturation  of  fatty  acids  in  the  oil.  The
                  greater the degree of unsaturation, the higher the iodine value.
                  Unsaponifiable  matter  in  fats  and  oil  include  sterols,  high  molecular  fatty  alcohols,
                  hydrocarbons, tocopherols, pigments, waxes, and fat-soluble vitamins.  In general, the
                  higher the unsaponifiable matter content, the worse the quality of the oil.

                  Common vegetable oil                          Iodine Value
                  Soybean oil                                   124-139
                  Peanut oil                                    86-107
                  Olive oil                                     75-88
                  Palm oil                                      44-58
                  Coconut oil                                   7.5-10.5
                  Flaxseed oil                                  175-185
                  Pumpkin seed oil                              100-133
                                     Table 4-1 Iodine value of common vegetable oils

                  USP-37:  Iodine  value  of  saw  palmetto  oil  40-50;  Unsaponifiable  matter
                  content1.8-3.5%. USP-39 Nounsaponifiable matter specified.
                  EP-9.0:  Iodine  value  of  saw  palmetto  oils  30-60;  No  unsaponifiable  matter

                                            SN-180401     UV-171023     EE-1800628       USP40       EP9.0
                  Iodine Value                  46            43             46          40-50       30-60
                  Unsaponifiable Matter        1.9%          2.1%           1.6%        1.8-3.5%      N/A
                       Table 4-2 Iodine value and Unsaponifiable matter of various saw palmetto oils

                  255 Oser Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: 631-274-4818                                                  8/28
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