Page 6 - Technical Saw Palmetto Booklet
P. 6

MTC Industries, Inc.
                                                                        Herbsine Bioengineering Co., Ltd.

                                                       2. HPTLC

                                      1        2      3       4                   5        6      7        8        9

                                        Figure 4 HPTLC chromatography of various Oils

                  Lane 1              Saw Palmetto oil, UV-171023
                  Lane 2              Saw Palmetto oil, EE-1800628
                  Lane 3              Saw Palmetto oil, SN-180401
                  Lane 4              Saw Palmetto Berry, Origin: Florida, American
                  Lane 5              Olive oil
                  Lane 6              Pumpkin seed oil
                  Lane 7              Flax seed oil
                  Lane 8              Coconut oil
                  Lane 9              Soybean oil

                  Prep.               1.0 g+100 mL EtOH Sonicate/heat@~50℃~1/2 hr
                                      Silica gel 60, F254 RP-18, 10×10 cm HPTLC plate
                  Stationary Phase
                                      [Merck Part#:1.13724.0001, LOT#: HX67519324]
                  Mobile Phase        Dichloromethane: acetic acid: acetone = 2: 4: 5, V / V / V
                  Detection           2.5% Phosphomolybdic acid reagent →110℃ 5min →Daylight
                  Sample origin @ 15mm, Solvent front @ 90mm

                  Saw  palmetto  oil  has  an  obvious  characteristic  chromatography  that  can  be  easily
                  distinguished from other vegetable oils by HPTLC.

                  255 Oser Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: 631-274-4818                                                  4/28
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