Page 31 - UHN-RR2020-6_Neat
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Research Highlights

                                                                 LEARNING WITH PATIENTS
                                                                 A research team led by Scientist Dr. Paula
                                                                 Rowland explored the evolution and variations of
                                                                 patient involvement in health profession education.
                                                                 By mapping out key streams of engagement, their
                                                                 research will inform future patient involvement.
                                                                 The published work was recognized with a 2019
                                                                 Research Paper Award from The Association for
                                                                 Medical Education in Europe for its excellence in
                                                                 medical education research. Scientific Article

                                                                 SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT
                                                                 Oral case presentations are a key mode of
                                                                 communication in medicine and an integral
                                                                 component of medical education. Clinician
                                                                 Teacher Dr. Lindsay Melvin, along with
                                                                 Scientists Drs. Ayelet Kuper and Mahan
                                                                 Kulasegaram, found that the assessment of
                                                                 trainees’ presentations can overshadow their
                                                                 learning experience. The research focused
                                                                 on presentations in internal medicine and
                                                                 recommends clearly outlining the expectations for
                                                                 trainees and supervisors. Scientific Article

                                                                 IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SUCCEED
                                                                 A study led by Scientist Dr. Maria Mylopoulos
                                                                 and Education Investigator Naomi Steenhof
                                                                 found that students in health professions who
                                                                 experience productive failure—ie, struggle in
                                                                 trying to solve challenging problems without
                                                                 direct instruction—are better prepared for
                                                                 future learning. The study is the first to explore
                                                                 productive failure in health professions education
                                                                 and emphasizes the long-term importance of
                                                                 struggle in learning. Scientific Article

                                                                 Dr. Nikki Woods served as TIER’s founding Scientific Director
                                                                 (featured in the video above). Dr. Ann Russell is responsible for
                                                                 advancing the Institute’s simulation, innovation and research
                                                                 strategies (middle). Students and trainees take an active role in
                                                                 the education research being conducted at TIER (bottom).

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