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                Bringing Home Health

               Donors support state-of-the-art cancer research and care

               Every finding, discovery and breakthrough shifts   INNOVATION ACCELERATION FUND
               the course of global cancer research and advances   Advancing discoveries from bench to bedside
               our vision to Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime.     continues to be a major hurdle in cancer research.
                                                                 In collaboration with UHN’s Technology
               But none of this can happen without critical      Development & Commercialization Office, The
               support from the broad range of programs and      Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation supports
               initiatives, which help to direct philanthropic   researchers in translating their findings to improve
               support to world-class research.                  cancer care. This support is enabling investigators
                                                                 to test immunotherapies and anti-cancer drugs for
                PRINCESS MARGARET HOME LOTTERY                   some of the most hard-to-treat cancers.
               Since its inception in 1996, the lottery has raised
               over $400M to help the Princess Margaret Cancer   INVEST IN RESEARCH COMPETITION
               Centre become one of the world’s top five cancer   Thanks to generous donors, the Invest in Research
               research centres. Funds from the initiative       program once again made funds available to
               are fueling innovation in research and care by    support high-risk, high-reward research. Drs.
               supporting programs in clinical trials, next-     Marianne Koritzinsky and Phedias Diamandis
               generation technology and genomics, and core      received funding to lead projects that will provide
               research services, which provide our researchers   a better understanding of the biology underlying
               with access to cutting-edge technologies. These   pancreatic cancers, and to develop drugs to treat
               enable our researchers to make top-tier discoveries   aggressive brain cancers. This program enables
               and publish in the world’s most prestigious       donors to select projects that they believe will have
               medical journals.                                 the greatest impact in the fight against cancer.

               THE PRINCESS MARGARET HOME                        SCOTIABANK ROAD HOCKEY TO
                LOTTERY The 2019 lotteries were the largest      CONQUER CANCER The ninth annual event, held
               ever, with more than 38,000 prizes offered.       in September 2019,  broke all records by raising $3.1M.

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