Page 39 - UHN-RR2020-6_Neat
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Research Highlights

                                                                 THE DANGERS OF COTTAGE COUNTRY
                                                                 Dr. Moira Kapral found that the incidence of
                                                                 stroke-related death was 19% higher in Ontarians
                                                                 who live in the country. The results highlight the
                                                                 need for studies to identify stroke risk factors and
                                                                 prevention strategies in rural settings.
                                                                 Full Story / Scientific Article

                                                                 LINKING OBESITY AND MENTAL HEALTH
                                                                 Research from Dr. Satya Dash (pictured below)
                                                                 revealed that rare genetic changes previously
                                                                 associated with conditions such as bipolar disease,
                                                                 schizophrenia and autism also contribute to the
                                                                 development of obesity and mental health issues.
                                                                 Full Story / Scientific Article

                                                                 CLEARING THE AIR FOR RECOVERY
                                                                 Dr. Ewan Goligher developed a way to identify
                                                                 patients at risk for poor recovery from mechanical
                                                                 ventilation. The findings will help doctors develop
                                                                 better treatment plans for those who require this
                                                                 life-saving intervention due to illnesses such as
                                                                 cancer or COVID-19. Full Story / Scientific Article

                                                                 THE LANGUAGE OF HEALTH
                                                                 Drs. Angela Cheung (pictured left) and Shail Rawal
                                                                 found that limited English proficiency may be a
                                                                 barrier to recovery for patients with chronic diseases
                                                                 (eg, heart failure) that require complex follow up
                                                                 treatment plans. Full Story / Scientific Article

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