Page 16 - Grace.SUMMER.2021
P. 16

Learning to Love

                                     when it's h�d

                              By: Teri Klein
             When I say the word “love,” what comes
             up for you?
             Did you immediately think of your best
             friend, your kids, or a family member                          justice that drives us to want
             that has a special place in your heart?                        things to be fair, so we believe
             Or, did you think about the butterflies                        all unkind deeds should have
             you felt in your stomach the day you met                       consequences.                                                                                                     helping me step closer to who He
             your husband, or how elated you were                                                                                                                                             wanted me to become, but I got a

             the day you married him?                                       The thing is, when we choose                                                                                      better picture of how He loves
                                                                            to accept Jesus’ gift of                                                                                          me.
             When we think about the concept of                             salvation, it’s the first step
             love, it’s easy to think about the fun kind                    toward shedding who we are                                                                                        The truth is, I’m not always easy

             of love that feels good. We don’t often                        so we can grow to be more                                                                                         to love either. In fact, sometimes
             think about the love that can be hard.                         like Him. (Eph 4:22-24) And                                                                                       I probably make it pretty darn
                                                                            that includes how we love.                                                                                        tough. But no matter how
             You know the kind I’m talking about,                                                                                                                                             unkind, unforgiving, hard-

             right? Like showing love to that one                           One of the hardest situations                                                                                     headed, or frustrating I can be,
             person in your circle of friends who isn’t                     for me to love like Jesus was                                                                                     Jesus’ love for me never wavers
             often nice to you. Or responding in a                          during, and after, my divorce                                                                                     — not once. He takes every
             loving way when your ex-husband seems                          8 years ago. You see, it came                                                                                     mistake, misstep, and betrayal

             to go out of his way to make co-                               out of nowhere and it felt like                                                                                   and loves me anyway.
             parenting more difficult than it needs to                      my husband had completely
             be.                                                            transformed into a different                                                                                      And that’s how I want to be.

                                                                            person overnight. He was no
             As humans we have this natural                                 longer the warm, kind man I’d
             tendency to respond with like — when                           fallen in love with. He’d
             we feel attacked, pushed down, or                              become cold and emotionless;
             marginalized, we want to retaliate with                        every word he uttered cut

             the same. We have a strong sense of                            through me like a knife.

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