Page 9 - Grace.SUMMER.2021
P. 9

Love is….

 Long suffering

 T he phone rang at 1:51am. No good news  The last nine years have been  many times I have  need support. We have to combat the shame by

                                                    bringing this issue into the light, and love, of Christ.
        symbolically laid my son
 an emotional, and spiritual,
                                                    We must do a better job at loving addicts. Instead
        back at the foot of the cross.
 comes at that hour. My son was calling from  tug-of-war as the inevitable  I can’t control him, change  of looking at them in disdain, we must remember
 escalation ensued. There have
 jail…again. I thought he was doing well this time.  him, or fix him. But I DO  they are someone’s child, brother, sister,
 been car accidents (one that
 He was working a regular job (with benefits!) for the  know that Jesus wants to set  grandchild, or even a parent to little ones being
 almost took his life), broken
 first time in a year and doing tattoos as a side  him free and heal the  raised by foster parents or family members. I am
 promises,suicide threats,
 hustle. We talked about as frequently as you would  wounds that drive him to  certain that we would be shocked by how many
 overdoses, unexplained
 expect a mother and adult son to talk, once or twice  escape his pain through  other families we know are being rocked by
 injuries, manipulations worthy
 a week. Last I knew, he was wearing a suboxone  drugs. So, I pray…fervently. I  addiction if we brought it into the light. There isn’t
 of an Oscar, and still the
 patch in his latest attempt at getting free from a  pray protection over him. I  an instruction manual for this, and the right support
 fierceness of a mother’s love
 heroin addiction. He was checking in with  pray the Lord will put  isn’t always easy to find. It’s long past time for the
 for her only child. There is a
 probation. He had a car, a job, a plan, and a safe  someone, anyone, in his  church to address addiction and provide support for
 constant tension between
 place to stay, albeit temporarily. He also had a  path who will speak truth and  families facing this issue.
 helping/supporting and
 trigger. I don’t know what the trigger was this time;  life to him. I exercise my faith
 enabling; fear and faith; tough
 there have been a lot of them over the years. While  muscles that my prodigal will  Currently my son is clean, but he is still battling his
 love and grace. Walking a
 the inner details of the demons that haunt him are  eventually come home. And,  demons on his own terms. He has many legal and
 tightrope is not for the faint of
 his story to tell, I want to share how his ongoing  I remind myself that Jesus  financial issues to overcome (this goes hand-in-
 battle with drugs has impacted my life, and how it  loves him even more than I  hand with addiction), and his future is uncertain, as
 has stretched my love and my faith.  do.           there are still pending court dates. My prayer will
 A host of negative emotions
                                                    always be that he will choose to surrender his will
 come with loving an addict:
 I later learned that, around age 17, he started  Addiction is pain wrapped in  to the Lord and recognize that he cannot overcome
 anger, frustration, pain, fear,
 smoking pot regularly. From ages 18-22 he lived  shame, both for the addict  this in his own strength. Addiction itself is merely a
 panic, shame, grief,
 with roommates, held good jobs (often 2-3 at a  and for those who love them.  symptom of unresolved underlying issues. So, I
 exhaustion, hopelessness and
 time), drove a decent car, and…told his momma a  Shame convinces us to wear  pray, and I hope, and I trust. To be honest, some
 doubt. I have felt all of these,
 lot of lies. There were pills and partying, and he hid  a mask and pretend  days are easier than others. Some days the fear
 sometimes in the same day,
 it well during those years. He was what is known  everything is okay.  chases me down, and grief over what has been lost
 with the most pervasive being
 as a “high-functioning” addict, and that is not a  Especially in church. There  threatens to overwhelm me. Still, I will choose to
 fear and shame. These
 sustainable lifestyle. A crisis point came with a loss  is a stigma with addiction  love him, and trust the Lord. I will walk through the
 emotions must be combated
 of a job and an eviction. So, he came to live with  and, adding the shame and  fire to plead protection and freedom for my son. I
 with faith, scripture, worship
 me for a while. That’s when I got a front-row seat to  sense of failure most parents  will thank the Lord for the supernatural peace only
 and a love that won’t let go of
 his addictions and an education in street drugs that  feel, it becomes another  He can give when my thoughts and fears swirl out
 hope. Sometimes, it is an hour-
 I never saw coming.  thing we don’t discuss in     of control and threaten to overtake me. And I will
 by-hour or minute-by-minute
        church. Addicts need                        remind myself that He leaves the 99 to rescue the
 battle. I cannot tell you how
        freedom. Parents/siblings                   one.                                                            9
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