Page 12 - Welcome Intro Book
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         Our People: Each of our team members   regardless of geographic locality.    G|M: iQ Studio: Our  specialized  team  in
         exudes; passion for our craft, pride to be                                place to assist G|M Account Executives
         the  best,  and  an  inherent  desire  to   Our Process: We  believe  that  excellent   and  our  Client’s  contracted  Designers
         perform for our clients.             service and project success can only be   with; advanced furniture planning, LEED
                                              achieved  by  a  group  of  individuals  who   planning,   graphic   visualizations,
         Our  Infrastructure:  Our  unique  Client   perform as a true team within a  defined   knowledge   workshops,   typical
         Care Workflow  Network  paired  with  our   process,  Project  Organization  Principles   development  and  furniture  finding  &
         proprietary software creates one platform   or  “POP”.  Our  process  is  continually   specification.
         across  locations  that  enable  our  entire   improved  and  refined  to  ensure  quality
         team to seamlessly work together. Team   and   our   track   record   remains   Our  Services:  G|M’s  Client  Services
         members    are   empowered    and    exceptional.                         division is an acclaimed team of trained
         encouraged  to  support  each  other,                                     and  uniformed  Installation  and  Service
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