Page 9 - Welcome Intro Book
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G|M Business Interiors is a vertically integrated, full service & G|M is skilled in providing specialized products & services to
licensed dealership whose Mission is to develop lasting client our customers in government, healthcare, education and
relationships by creating exciting workspaces that promote private enterprise. G|M’s primary manufacturer partner is
happiness, health & higher performance. G|M specializes in; Herman Miller, a true leader in the office furniture industry and
office furniture planning, specification, procurement, project perennially named as the Fortune 500 most admired office
management, delivery, installation, reconfiguration and furniture company. G|M is Herman Miller’s largest dealer in
complete asset management. Southern California based upon sales and number of team
members. Herman Miller is the largest provider of furniture and
G|M Business Interiors, a California Corporation, began as services to the Federal government and G|M has achieved
Arrowhead Office Equipment in 1944. In 1960, the business status as Herman Miller’s largest volume government
was incorporated as Goforth & Marti Office Supply, Inc. and in dealership in the United States. G|M also holds the distinction
1987, was purchased by William F. Easley. In 1989, Stephen as the third largest healthcare dealer for Herman Miller in the
Easley joined the firm as President and the Contract Interiors U.S.
division was re-named G|M Business Interiors, a division of
Goforth & Marti, also becoming a Herman Miller dealership. G|M is a member of the US Green Building Council and has
operated on an environmentally sensitive paperless initiative
In 2007 G|M opened the downtown San Diego Workshop since 1998. G|M maintains millions of electronic documents
Showroom and a warehouse off Miramar Road. This was instantly available for review, for our staff and our customers.
followed by two downtown showroom expansions and the new Our proprietary operating software is unique in our industry, is
40,000 square foot ‘Client Experience Center’ in Sorrento paperless and manages our workflow and communications
Valley, San Diego. Locations in Riverside, Redlands and San within our organization and with our customers. Other
Diego allow G|M to serve all of Southern California. technology includes; state of the art visualization tools,
Approximately 200 team members who reside in Riverside, proprietary client focused web-based software, intelligent
San Bernardino, Orange, San Diego, Kern, Imperial and Los furniture finding search engine and web-based asset
Angeles Counties are employed by G|M Business Interiors. management and procurement capabilities.
G|M is characterized as an industry leader in the Contract G|M’s success continues because of the team of dedicated and
Interiors office furniture dealer segment, largely due to the professional employees, who espouse passion for excellent
quality of our team members, our refined service processes, furniture design, operational excellence and most importantly,
advanced technology and in our ability to delight our clients. As delighted customers. Customers trust G|M people to have
a suggestion by the Federal Government, G|M instituted a integrity, pride of craft, responsiveness and to offer the most
comprehensive customer survey system in 2001, as a way of professional services & capabilities.
documenting our service and past performance history. After
the completion of each project, our customers are asked to
complete a fair and impartial analysis. On a scale of 1-100,
G|M and their manufacturer on-time and complete delivery
status is historically performing at 96.8% of a possible 100%.
This has been calculated over hundreds of projects.