Page 13 - Welcome Intro Book
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Technicians, Project Managers and Price Value: G|M represents over 200 settings, where we have the opportunity
Warehouse Management specialists that office furnishings manufacturers and is to discuss your goals and expectations
offer a full menu of services unparalleled the largest, or in the top three (3) largest for your new workplace and develop an
by any other dealer. dealers, in California. Due to this exemplary workplace strategy with you
standing, G|M receives the best and your design professional.
Our Technology: Adaptable, proprietary discounts possible and passes these
software allows G|M to be responsive, savings on to our clients.
accurate and on-time, while maintaining
100% transparency. Every G|M Client Our Showrooms &
receives web-based access to Customer Experience: Our showrooms
information, tools and service free of are designed to showcase our industry
charge. partner’s products in real life work