Page 17 - Welcome Intro Book
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         Our team strives to be our absolute caring best; a continually improving, problem solving, category of one company, who earns our
         right every single day, to be our client’s most trusted and relied upon business partner.

         We employ full time Service Technicians, working out of service centers in Riverside and San Diego, who are highly trained to resolve
         most chair repairs within 24 hours and any Service Technician dispatched on a warranty call is highly focused on only that job. This
         helps make them the very best in our industry.

         PLANNING  SERVICES:  Our  professional  team   REFURBISHMENT:  Maximizing  your  investment   SPECIALIZED  ACCESSORIES:  Accessories  are
         utilizing advanced listening and data gathering tools   and doing the smart thing now and for the future are   almost always a serious afterthought. This needs to
         will  identify  key  visions  and  develop  an  office  to   the cornerstones of determining the scope of your re  stop.  A  great  project  needs  the  small  details  to  be
         "elevate your workplace".            -use  of  assets. We will always verify  the most cost   thoughtful and on target or it can ruin and otherwise
                                              effective solution for you.          great design
         ASSEMBLY + INSTALLATION: G|M Client Services
         Group  is  renowned  in  the  industry  as  the  best.   eASSET  INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: Store your   FLOORING:  Coordinating  a  successful  project
         Uniformed, trained and polished to provide the most   additional  product  or  office  equipment  with  G|M  at   requires all team members to be in sequence. Many
         professional services!               our secure warehouse facilities.  It will cost you less   of  our  Clients  have  come  to  realize  that  more
                                              for  the  long  run  with  G|M  transporting  the  product   services  G|M  provides  the  smoother  the  project.
         WALL COVERINGS: G|M is equipped to coordinate   immediately  to  you  versus  traveling  to  a  third  party   Getting  flooring  in  time  is  critical  to  all  weekend
         all aspects of your project, including wall coverings,   location.        projects. Let G|M manage this for you!
         painting and other vertical surface needs, providing a
         turnkey solution.                    DATA  CABLING:  Systems  Furniture  can  only  be
                                              installed as fast as data cabling is installed after we
         MOVES, ADDS + CHANGES: Our very experienced   build  the  frames  or  panels.    G|M  can  handle  the
         G|M  MAC  Team  takes  pride  in  making  our  clients   scheduling  and  coordination  of  data  cabling  for  our
         happy!  They  have  an  amazing  satisfaction  record   clients  as  another  service  to  enhance  project
         and extensive testimonial collection.   efficiency and speed the process.
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