Page 19 - Welcome Intro Book
P. 19

TECHNOLOGY                           ePortfolio:  G|M’s  proprietary  furniture   future audits or review.
                                              finding search engine provides access to

                                              view  thousands  of  product  images,
                                              create brochures and generate complete   eAssets   &   eProcurement:   Your
                                                                                   personal  inventory  management  and
         MyWindow  Client  Login:  Our  client
         portal  provides  each  client  access  to   project budgets!             eProcurement   system!   After   each
         order   information,   tracking   and                                     project,  our  clients  will  receive  a
         documents  in  a  simple  web  search   Web-Based Questionnaires:         complimentary  online  catalog  of  all
         format.   This   is   truly   where   the   Customized  web-based  questionnaires   standard products. Products may be re-
         transparency is provided with up to date   are  available  for  group  census.  G|M   ordered  or  simply  viewed  for  budgeting
         information  on  all  orders  available   believes  that  people  support  what  they   purposes.  This  program  also  boasts
                                              help  to  create  and  these  web-based
                                                                                   features to enable either G|M housed or
         immediately. Clients will also enjoy links
         to   project   specific   documentation,   questionnaires provide the opportunity to   on-site asset management electronically.
         various  G|M  publications,  websites,   gain  feedback  in  a  concise  and
                                              organized  manner.  All  results  are
         ePortfolio and eAssets accounts.                                          Custom  Reporting:  Customized  order
                                              provided  by  question  in  a  pie  chart   and  accounting  reports  as  well  as  Key
                                              graphic and all results remain on file for   Performance Indicators reporting.
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