Page 24 - Welcome Intro Book
P. 24


         “Once  again,  let  me  say  how     data  location,  scheduling,  delivery,   “I would like to let you know what an
         impressed  we  are  with  G|M,  their   install  -  and  the  list  goes  on  -  was   excellent job the team from G|M did
         products  and  your  service.”  County   excellent…” Loma Linda University   on  our  interoffice  move...everyone
         of San Bernardino Fire Department                                         involved in the move is pleased with
                                              “I  would  highly  recommend  your   the  outcome  and  the  work  that  the
         “CBU  views  G|M  Business  Interiors   company to anyone. We have had a   crew did for us." County of Riverside
         as   our   partner   in   creating   wonderful  experience  with  you.
         educational spaces that enhance our   Thank  you  again  for  all  you  have   “Your  installation  crew  is  the  best  I
         student's   learning   experiences.”   done.”  United  States  Circuit  Court   have  ever  seen  and  communicate
         California Baptist University        Judge, Ninth Circuit                 very  well  with  the  customer.  They
                                                                                   are keepers.”  City of Riverside
         “The  G|M  team  is  amazing  and  we   "It   is   always   a   pleasure   to
         are  so  grateful  to  you  for  all  of  the   collaborate  with  professionals  and   “Thank  you  for  having  a  team  and
         care and kindness you’ve shown and   reach  an  end  solution  which  works   company that walk the talk and truly
         given to us.”                        for  all  involved.  I’m  thrilled  to   care  about  their  clients  and  what
         The Children’s Fund Family           welcome  GMBI  as  the  most  recent   they do. G|M ROCKS!” IBS Interprit,
                                              awarded  vendor  to  our  Preferred   Inc.
         “G|M  Business  Interiors  has  yet  to   Employers   Relocation   Team!"
         disappoint...I  can’t  think  of  anything   Preferred Employers, Inc.    “G|M's   service   is   outstanding!
         that  has  not  meet  or  exceeded  my                                    Everything  G|M  has  done  has
         expectations…”      Environmental    “Whenever  I  have  the  opportunity,  I   exceeded  our  expectations  and
         Systems Research Institute (ESRI)    highly  recommend  G|M  Business     pleased  our  end  users.  G|M's
                                              Interiors and look forward to working   customer service is also outstanding!
         “G|M   is   a   very   professional   with  you  for  many  years  to  come.”   Phenomenal  work!  Thank  you.”
         company,  and  it’s  employees  are   Hughes Marino                       Naval Medical Center San Diego
         knowledgeable, friendly and easy to
         work with. They respond in a timely   "I'm   writing   to   express   my
         fashion  and always meet  or exceed   appreciation for a "Job Well Done" to
         all  expectations.”  Naval  Facilities   the  G|M  Installation  Team...  It  has
         Engineering Command                  been  my  privilege  to  work  with  and
                                              observe    the   expertise   and
         “The  support  your  team  provided   proficiency  of  the  G|M  installation
         throughout  the  project,  including   team… I would also like to commend
         feasibility, design layouts, styles and   the  G|M  design  team  for  this
         features,  floor  plans,  electrical  and   project.” Scripps Health
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