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PU-AUA6 broch Used Car NoRA 0517 Final.qxp_2015 20x9 Used car  12/14/17  11:53 AM  Page 1

                                          HI-TECH COVERAGE                                                                    Your Portfolio Protection service
          PRE-OWNED VEHICLES                                         KEEP YOUR VEHICLE COVERED.                               contract also includes: *
                                             Our Most Complete
                                          Includes all Powertrain Coverage                                                    TOWING If towing becomes necessary due to a break-
          Extended Breakdown               plus the following systems:                    DRIVER INFORMATION                  down of a covered component, actual towing costs,
          Protection for Your                                                               $1,666       POWER SUNROOF MOTOR  not  payable  by  insurance,  will  be  covered  up  to
          Vehicle’s Systems and       ELECTRONIC HIGH TECH COMPONENTS           POWER STEERING                                $50.00 per occurrence.
                                      Level control compressor, sensors and limiter valve;
                                                                                                                              (Benefits can vary by state. See your service contract for details)
          Components                  pneumatic suspension pump sensors and valves; fuel  FUEL RAIL SYSTEM          FUEL PUMP
                                      injection sensors and control module; ignition mod-  $888                     $975      SUBSTITUTE  TRANSPORTATION for  qualified  repairs
                                      ule; crank sensors; digital or analog instrument clus-                                  when  your  vehicle  is  inoperable  and  undergoing
                                      ter; moisture control unit and sensors; anti-detona-
                                      tion  sensors;  manufacturer  installed  combination  RACK AND PINION                   repairs.
                                      entry  system;  manufacturer  installed  anti-theft  $1,933                   ABS BRAKES
                                      device; ABS (anti-locking braking system); electronic                         $1,625    TRIP INTERRUPTION reimburses you for food and lodg-
                                      brake control module.                                                                   ing expenses incurred when a covered breakdown of
                                                                      ENGINE                                                  your  vehicle  occurs  more  than  100  miles  away  from
                                      ELECTRICAL PLUS                 $6,700                               DRIVE AXLE OVERHAUL  your home.
                                      All power motors and solenoids related to the elec-                    $1,675
                                      trical  operations  of  antennas,  door  locks,  power                                  TRANSFERABILITY For added resale value your cover-
                                      headlight motors, seat motors, mirrors, convertible  WATER PUMP  TRANSAXLE              age  can  be  transferred  to  a  new  owner,  should  you
                                      tops, power trunk releases.        $950                         $3,150                  decide to sell your vehicle. (Fees and restrictions apply.)
                                                                                 TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL
                                                                                    $5,500  AIR CONDITIONING
                                      FACTORY-INSTALLED NAVIGATIONAL SYSTEM                  $2,719
                                      Display, controls, and all electrical components.                                       LIGHT COMMERCIAL USE for your business or employ-
                                                                       The components above are covered only under Hi-Tech coverage described on this page. Some are covered under Comprehensive   ment.
                                                                          and Powertrain (see reverse side). Actual costs vary according to year, make, and model, and from state to state.
                                      SEALS AND GASKETS                         Costs stated above are sample costs based on historical data collected by Portfolio.  * These additional benefits are subject to maximum reim-
                                      Seals and gaskets relating to covered components.                                       bursement limits and state provisions. Other terms and
                                                                    FRONT SUSPENSION            ELECTRICAL                    conditions may apply. See service contract for details.
                                      ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM         Struts; upper and lower control arms and shafts and  Alternator;  voltage  regulator;  voltage  sensor;  distribu-
                                      Fan, fan clutch, fan motor.   bushings;  upper  and  lower  ball  joints;  stabilizer  tor; starter motor, starter drive and solenoid; electronic
                                                                    shaft, linkage and bushings; spindles and supports;  ignition  module;  wiring  harnesses;  manually  operated
                                      FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING      wheel bearings.             switches; wiper motor; power window motor; sunroof
                                      Condenser, compressor, clutch and pulley, evapora-        motor.
         Protecting your ownership experience. SM  tor, receiver dryer, accumulator, HVAC controller and   STEERING
         Many miles down the road.    module.                       All internal lubricated parts; rack and pinion and all  FUEL SYSTEM
                                                                    internal parts; power cylinder assembly, power steer-
                                                                                                Fuel pump, fuel injection pump, fuel injectors, fuel rail,
                                      BRAKES                        ing pump, main and intermediate steering shafts and  metal  fuel  delivery  lines,  nozzles,  vacuum  pump,  and
                                      Master cylinder, vacuum and hydraulic power brake  couplings; tie rods and tie rod ends; idler arm, pit-  vacuum assist booster.
                                      booster, wheel cylinders, hydraulic lines and fittings;  man  arm.  Electric  steering  motor,  electric  cylinder
                                      disc calipers.                assembly, rack and pinion with electric power assist.
                                                                                                   Protect Your Ownership Experience. SM
                                              This brochure is not a contract. See your  service contract for all details of coverage, benefits, terms, conditions and exclusions. A printed sample of this service contract is available upon request.
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