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PU-AUA6 broch Used Car NoRA 0517 Final.qxp_2015 20x9 Used car  12/14/17  11:53 AM  Page 2

             Increasing mileage on      POWERTRAIN COVERAGE                COMPREHENSIVE           Your  Portfolio  Protection  service  contract
             your vehicle leads to                                      COMPONENT COVERAGE         also includes: *
            increasing repair costs.                                   INCLUDES POWERTRAIN COVERAGE PLUS:
            Let Portfolio Protection   ENGINE                        ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM         TOWING If towing becomes necessary due to a break-
                                      All internal lubricated parts; timing belt, pulleys and cover;
               Keep You Secure.       oil  pump;  water  pump;  manifolds;  harmonic  balancer;  Fan, fan clutch, fan motor.  down of a covered component, actual towing costs,
                                                                                                   not  payable  by  insurance,  will  be  covered  up  to
                                      crankshaft pulley; engine mounts. Note: Engine block, cylin-  FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING
                                      der head(s), cylinder sleeves, oil pan and valve covers only if  Condenser, compressor, clutch and pulley, evaporator, receiver  $50.00 per occurrence. (Benefits can vary by state. See
                                      the damage results from the failure of an internal lubricated  dryer, accumulator, HVAC controller and module.  your service contract for details)
                                      part. Turbo/Supercharger: All internal lubricated parts con-
                                      tained  within  the  turbo/super  charger  housing  plus  the  FRONT SUSPENSION  SUBSTITUTE  TRANSPORTATION for  qualified  repairs
                                      charger housing only if the damage results from the failure of  Struts; upper and lower control arms and shafts and bush-  when  your  vehicle  is  inoperable  and  undergoing
                                      an internal lubricated part.   ings; upper and lower ball joints; stabilizer shaft, linkage and  repairs.
                                                                     bushings; spindles and supports; wheel bearings.
                                      TRANSMISSION                                                                                 This brochure is not a contract. It is an overview of
                                      All internal lubricated parts; torque converter; vacuum mod-  STEERING  TRIP INTERRUPTION reimburses you for food and lodg-  benefits for marketing purposes only. See your service
                                      ulator; front pump. The transmission case, housing and oil  All internal lubricated parts; steering gear box, rack and pin-  ing expenses incurred when a covered breakdown of  contract  for  all  details  of  coverage,  benefits,  terms,
                                      pan, only if the damage results from the failure of an internal  ion  and  all  internal  parts;  power  cylinder  assembly,  power  conditions and exclusions.
                                      lubricated part.                                             your  vehicle  occurs  more  than  100  miles  away  from
                                                                     steering  pump,  main  and  intermediate  steering  shafts  and  The service contract contains exclusions which should
                                      TRANSMISSION MANUAL/TRANSFER CASE  couplings; tie rods and tie rod ends; linkage; idler arm; pitman  your home.  be reviewed and considered prior to purchase. Items or
                                      All internal lubricated parts, plus the transfer case housing  arm. Electric steering motor, electric cylinder assembly, rack  circumstances  not  covered  under  the  plan  are  listed
                                      only if the damage results from the failure of an internal lubri-  and pinion with electric power assist.  TRANSFERABILITY For added resale value your cover-  within the What is Not Covered section of the service
                                      cated part.                                                  age  can  be  transferred  to  a  new  owner,  should  you  contract. This brochure does not intend to list all items
                                                                     ELECTRICAL                    decide to sell your vehicle. (Fees and restrictions apply.)  covered or excluded, so the service contract should be
                                      FRONT-WHEEL DRIVE              Alternator;  voltage  regulator;  voltage  sensor;  distributor;  referenced for specific details.
                                      All  internal  lubricated  parts;  axle  shafts,  propeller  shafts,  starter motor, starter drive and solenoid; electronic ignition  LIGHT COMMERCIAL USE for your business or employ-  On covered repairs the replacement of any part
                                      constant  velocity  joints,  U-joints,  front  hub  assembly  and  module; wiring harnesses; manually operated switches; wiper  ment.  may  be  made  with  new  parts,  remanufactured
                                      bearings. Final drive housing and rear axle housing for All-  motor; power window motor; sunroof motor.  parts,  non-original  manufacturer's  parts,  or  with
                                      Wheel Drive only if the damage results from the failure of an                               parts of like kind and quality at the time of break-
                                      internal lubricated part.      BRAKES                        * These additional benefits are subject to maximum reim-
        Since 1990 Portfolio has tracked repair costs on nearly      Master cylinder, vacuum and hydraulic power brake booster,  bursement limits and state provisions. Other terms and   down.
        every make and model of vehicle sold in the United States.  REAR-WHEEL DRIVE  wheel cylinders, hydraulic lines and fittings; disc calipers.  conditions may apply. See service contract for details.  A printed sample of this service contract is available
        The chart above is a summary of what a typical owner may  All internal lubricated parts; axle shafts, propeller shafts, U-  upon request.
                                                                                                                                   The protection provided by this Portfolio Protection
        expect after the factory warranty expires.  joints; hubs and bearings. Drive axle housing and front axle  FUEL SYSTEM     service contract is not affiliated with or sponsored by
                                      housing for Four-Wheel Drive only if the damage results from
        Your Portfolio Protection service contract delivers excep-  the failure of an internal lubricated part.  Fuel pump, fuel injection pump, fuel injectors, fuel rail, metal  any vehicle manufacturer.
        tional value and convenience:                                fuel delivery lines, nozzles, vacuum pump, and vacuum assist  The purchase of a service contract is not required
        • You avoid disruptions to your personal budget              booster.                                                     to finance or purchase a motor vehicle.
         when an unexpected covered repair occurs.   Powertrain Warranty
                                                                                                                                   The Provider of this Service Agreement is Portfolio Services
        • You can finance the cost of the contract in  Covered Components                                                         Limited, Inc., 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 502, Dallas, TX 75254.
         your monthly payment for even more budget   Drive Axle-FWD,  Transmission  Transfer Case                                  In Louisiana and Florida the Provider is Portfolio SE, Inc.
         control.                        AWD, 4WD                                                                                   14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 502, Dallas, TX 75254;
                                                                                                                                         Florida License number 31865
        • Substitute transportation keeps you with an uninter-                                                                      In Oklahoma, the Provider is Express Systems, Inc.,
         rupted way of getting around when you have a                                                                              25541 Commercentre Dr. Ste. 100, Lake Forest, CA 92630
         qualified repair.            Engine               Drive Axles-RWD,
                                                           AWD, 4WD
        • Your service contract is transferable and adds value to
         your vehicle should you sell to a new owner.                                                Protect Your Ownership Experience. SM
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