Page 34 - GEN 2021
P. 34

.. In the event that RVR                    RVR [RUNWAY (number)] (first position)
              information on any one position    (distance), (second position) MISSING,

              this information will be included    (third position) (distance)
              in the appropriate sequence
                                                     PRESENT WEATHER (details)

                                                     CLOUD (amount, [type] and height of base) (or
                                                     SKY CLEAR)

                                                     Note: CAVOK pronounced CAV-O-KAY

                                                     TEMPERATURE [MINUS] (number) (and/or dew
                                                     point) [MINUS] (number)

                                                     QNH (or QFE) (number) [units]

                                                     MODERATE (or SEVERE) ICING (or TURBULENCE)
                                                     [IN CLOUD] (area)

                                                     REPORT FLIGHT CONDITIONS

              Position reporting                     NEXT REPORT AT (significant point)

              .. to omit position reports until     OMIT POSITION REPORTS [UNTIL (specify)]
              a specified position
                                                      RESUME POSITION REPORTING.

              Additional reports                      REPORT PASSING (significant point)

              ... to request a report at a           REPORT (distance) FROM (name of DME station)
              specified place or distance            DME

                                                     REPORT PASSING (three digits) radial (name of
                                                     VOR) VOR

              ... to request a report of present  REPORT DISTANCE FROM
              position (significant point)
                                                     REPORT DISTANCE FROM (name of DME station) DME

              Aerodrome information                  RUNWAY (number) (condition)
                                                     LANDING SURFACE (condition)
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39