Page 30 - GEN 2021
P. 30

Final approach          SPD Final RWY 27
                                                                         SPD Continue
                                          Continue SPD
                                                                         SPD RWY 27 Cleared to land Wind 260
                                                                         degrees 20 knots
                                          RWY 27 Cleared to land SPD

                  On runway                                              SPD Expedite vacating runway
                                          Wilco SPD
                  Off runway              Runway vacated SPD
                                                                         SPD Roger

               Tilbage til indholdsfortegnelse

              5.2  GENERAL PHRASEOLOGY

              Circumstances Phraseologies

              * Denotes pilot transmission
              Description of levels                 FLIGHT LEVEL (number);

              (subsequently referred to as         or (number) METRES;
              “(level”))                            or (number) FEET.

              Level changes, reports                CLIMB (or DESCEND) followed as necessary by:
              and rates.
                                                        TO (level)

                                                        TO REACH (level) AT (or BY) (time or
                                                        significant point)

                                                        REPORT LEAVING (or REACHING, or
                                                        PASSING) (level).

                                                        REPORT PASSING ODD (or EVEN) LEVELS;

                                                        AT (number) METRES PER SECOND
                                                        (or FEET PER MINUTE) [MINIMUM
                                                        (or MAXIMUM)]

                                                        REPORT STARTING ACCELERATION (or

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