Page 26 - GEN 2021
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              4.3  SSR INSTRUCTIONS

              All SSR instructions must be followed and readback, for example:
                       “SPD, squawk 6411 ident”           “6411 ident, SPD”

              SSR phrases and their meanings are listed below:

                   The communication failure code is 7600 and the hi-jack code is 7500


              Occasionally it is necessary to gain separation on an aircraft ahead by making a
              complete turn through 360°. This is known as an orbit.

                              “SPD, FOR SEPARATION, ONE ORBIT LEFT”

                              “ONE ORBIT LEFT, SPD”.
              Having completed the “orbit” the aircraft then resumes its original heading.

              An instruction that simply says “SPD ORBIT RIGHT “ means that the aircraft is to

              continue orbitting right until advised.

              Traffic Information and Avoidance

              Whenever traffic appears to be conflicting with the “target” aircraft, the
              controller should pass information in the form:

              A typical “traffic information” report to a pilot would be:

                       “SPD, unknown traffic 10 o’clock 6 miles, crossing left to right, height

                       unknown fast moving. If not sighted turn left heading 270"

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