Page 23 - GEN 2021
P. 23


              An aircraft will normally be advised by the appropriate aeronautical station to
              change from one frequency to another.

                       “SE-GPD contact Copenhagen Control 129,345”

                       “Copenhagen Control 129,345 SE-GPD”

              Pilot’s Choice. If the pilot wishes to change frequency he should notify the

              change as appropriate.
                       “Roskilde Approach, SE-GPD changing to Cophenhagen Control 133,3”

              The ICAO Annex10 also has the following advice. “When establishing initial
              contact, or when leaving, a VHF frequency, an aircraft station shall transmit such

              information as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority”.

              After a call has been made to an aeronautical station, a period of at least 10

              seconds should elapse before a second call is made.

              Stations having a requirement to transmit information to all stations likely to
              intercept the call should preface the transmission with general call ‘ALL  STATIONS’,

              followed by the identification of the calling station. No reply is expected unless

              individual stations are subsequently called to acknowledge receipt.

              4.1  READBACK
              Readback of Clearances

              A clearance may vary from a detailed description of a route and levels to be

              flown or it could be the name of a standard route such as a Standard Instrument
              Departure (known as “SID”). Clearances should be passed slowly to enable pilots

              to write down the information. If possible a clearance is passed before start up

              and certainly not when a pilot is engaged in manouvring his aircraft; of course,
              multi-crew aircraft do not have a problem here.

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