Page 24 - GEN 2021
P. 24

Messages to Readback

              The ATC messages listed here must be read back in full by the pilot.
                     Level Instructions

                     Heading Instructions

                     Speed Instructions
                     ATC Route Clearances

                     Runway in use
                     Clearance to: Enter, Land on, Take-off, Back-track, Cross, Hold Short of active runway

                     SSR operating Instructions
                     VDF information

                     Frequency changes
                     Type of radar service

                     Altimeter settings
              If the controller does not receive a readback, he will instruct the pilot to do so. If the

              pilot does not understand the message he is expected to request that messages

              are repeated or clarified.

              A route clearance is not a clearance to enter an active runway or to take off.

              The words:

                       ‘TAKE OFF’ are only used when an aircraft is cleared to take-off or
                       when canceling a take off clearance.

              At other times the words:

                       ‘DEPARTURE’ and ‘AIRBOURNE’ are used. ATC route clearances shall
                       always be read back unless otherwise authorised by the appropriate ATS

                       authority. Clearances and Readbacks always include the aircraft call sign.

              In a readback the last thing you say is your callsign.

              The EASA FCL makes particular mention of the need to read back the following


                     •     ATC route clearances
                     •     Clearances related to runway in use

                     •     Other clearances such as conditional clearances.

                     •     Data such as runway, altimeter settings, SSR codes etc.
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