Page 19 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 19

Empowering other people with the same techniques and skills,

           in their business or in their personal life, will make more impact globally.

                                                          A lot of the behaviours people display are just programmes,   She added, “From my practical point of view, I am
          Founder True Awakenings                         says Anneme. “They are unconscious habits and if we are   passionate about what I do. Every single achievement for
                                                          experiencing challenges based on what we experienced   me is when I see the light switch on in one of my clients.
                 nneme Coetzee founded and owns a company   in  our  past,  then  that’s  what  I  want  to  change/heal.   That’s what gets me to go and do more.”
                 called True Awakenings that specialises in   I embarked on this journey of self-discovery and
         A Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), individual   self-development.”                             A future goal is to create a ripple effect, which is why NLP
          coaching, certification training and corporate training.                                         training has become part of the business. Anneme said
          The business is built on the values of empowering people   This journey to empowerment, and knowing what being   she realised, when she faced burnout a few years ago,
          because empowerment, to Anneme, means freedom.   disempowered feels like, is the inspiration behind what   that if she wanted to heal the world, she could not do it
                                                          gets Anneme out of bed each day and to continue to go   on her own. Empowering other people with the same
          She explains, “I’m passionate about healing people.   on. “Everybody has a story and when I recognise that in   techniques and skills, in their business or in their personal
          Healing doesn’t necessary mean that people are broken   someone else, all I want to do is help them change it and   life, will make more impact globally. Anneme said, “My
          or ill, but that there are unconscious triggers, behaviours,   have the pain go away. So that inspires me.”   goals will stay the same and that is to help as many
          habits, and programmes that are holding them back.                                               people as I can while I’m here.”
          These unconscious patterns prevent them from being   Uncomfortable challenges
          empowered and living the life of their dreams.”                                                  Follow that passion
                                                          Commenting on the challenges she has faced, Anneme
          Anneme does individualised coaching programmes   said that many people have recently experienced similar   In giving advice to others, Anneme says to stay grounded.
          to work with people where they find themselves   challenges including economic stress, looting, floods,   “Know yourself. Discover what your true skills are and stay
          currently and to help them build and enhance the   lockdown etc.                                 in your lane. Don’t compete with other people because
          resources that they have within themselves. The goal                                             your skills are unique to you and designed to make you
          is to reach that empowered state where they can live   However, she said that these challenges have forced us,   successful, so follow that passion. In other words, follow
          life on their terms, whatever that might be. She hosts   as mankind, to do things differently. “We only grow when   your own true north, your own compass.”
          group  coaching programmes  or bespoke trainings   things get uncomfortable, as much as I don’t like challenges,
          to companies. Anneme also does skills training and   I also, paradoxically, love them,” Anneme explained.  “The more you are grounded and the more you know
          facilitates certification training for those who want to   A business challenge Anneme has is marketing her   who you are, the more confident you’ll be. The more your
          be certified in NLP techniques.                 services; she has a solution to problems that people   self-worth will express itself in a healthy and authentic
                                                          don’t know they have. She explains that she needs to   way and  everything that’s in  alignment with your  true
          Childhood experiences                                                                            self cannot help but show up.”
                                                          describe her services authentically so that potential
          “I believe that voids create our values, so the pain   clients don’t feel they’re being pitched to in a sales   Commenting  on  what  she does for  time  out  Anneme
          points that we experience in our lives, influence how   conversation. Anneme added that she is genuine about   laughs, “I have a toddler – that’s forced time out.”
          your values are formed and what becomes important   helping people evolve through their challenges. Having   However, she says that her daughter is very grounding
          to you,” explained Anneme. Much of her motivation to   authentic conversations around solutions in a way that   for her and that she loves taking her to the beach and just
          heal originates in her own childhood experiences, which   builds trust, is she explains, how she can assist.  spending time with her.
          made Anneme fascinated with understanding human   Anneme’s biggest dream when she was a little girl was to   She also enjoys spending time with friends and family
          behaviour. This fascination forced her to unconsciously   study psychology. Life had its ups and downs, so Anneme   as that’s how she recharges her batteries and stays
          and passionately pursue the answers that she was   never ended up going to university. “When I stumbled   connected to those who are near and dear to her.
          looking for; the deeper understanding of what drives   across NLP, it felt like I won the Lotto. All the bells went
          human behaviour.                                off and I thought this is it. I’ve finally found what I want to   Being part of the KZN Top Business Women initiative
                                                                                                           means recognition, accountability, and credibility, said
          “I think that when you embark on a journey looking for   do,” she explained.                     Anneme. “I like being humble and behind the scenes. I
          answers for your own situation and when you know how   Anneme is proud of the fact that she is a master trainer   like the work to speak for itself, but in terms of being able
          to solve it for yourself, it makes it easier to solve it for   of NLP with the American Board of NLP, and the highest   to help other people, I need to be out there, and so I’m
          other people as well.”                          trained female on the African continent with them.   grateful for this opportunity to do just that.”

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