Page 21 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 21

If there’s one thing that I  can say is that momentum is everything.

           Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, just get up and start doing something.

                                                          Meshika commented, “It brought a whole set of new rules,   the 2021 looting, their Debonairs’ franchise received the
          Director CMM Group of Companies
                                                          a whole set of new trading conditions. We had to learn very   Franchise of the Year regional award, and their Sorbet
                                                          fast. You had to be agile, you had to learn how to adapt very
                  eshika David is a director at the CMM Group                                              franchise received the KZN Salon of the Year award.
                  of Companies which operates a network of   fast and you had to learn how to respond to the market.”  This recognition said Meshika is, “Testament to putting
         M franchises.                                    While they managed to successfully meet these demands   your hand to the wheel and getting back, because
                                                          and changing consumer habits, their challenges were
          Meshika’s initial background was in the corporate                                                you don’t have to compromise on excellence, even in
          environment, but she decided to join her husband in the   not over. In 2021 the civil unrest, resulted in the loss of   the rebuilding.”
          CMM Group. After developing a passion for the industry,   seven  stores.  Overcoming this  setback  was  a daunting
          she helped facilitate the growth of their company from one   task that tested her on multiple levels – emotionally,   Forging a brighter tomorrow
          franchise to a network of 12 franchises, these being primarily   physically, and financially.    Meshika’s future goals are to continue to expand their
          Debonairs, Steers and Fishaways brands with Famous Brands.  “We watched the destruction on camera. And you spent   network of franchises. They recently opened a new store
          Over the span of a decade, Meshika has faced an array of   over 10 years building these businesses and in a couple   which was their first township development. They have
          challenges and celebrated numerous triumphs. Reflecting   of hours you watch them being torn apart, which was   another seven developments in the pipeline.
          on her journey, she says that many aspects have contributed   very devastating for us, to be completely honest,” said   Meshika is highly passionate about economic development
          to their success. However, Meshika says, “I think the most   Meshika. “I think navigating through that was the greatest   and thinks that we need to now change the narrative. The
          important thing for me was to learn to embrace failure as   challenge I personally have faced in business. I think the   goal is to actively contribute to economic development and
          much as I embrace success.” She commented that we should   psychological scars will always be there.”  inspire the private sector to play a more significant role in
          not be afraid of failure, as if we allow ourselves to become                                     uplifting the economy.
          apprehensive about future growth due to past setbacks, we   Rebuild their livelihood
          can never move forward. “When I started acknowledging   The province’s recovery process was long and arduous,   In advising young women, Meshika emphasizes the
          the fact that you have to be able to embrace those failures   but Meshika and her husband realised they needed to   importance of authenticity. She explains, “The first thing
          in order to grow, it led to greater success and expansion of   forge on if they wanted to rebuild their livelihood.   that you should do every single day is strive to be the
          the business.”                                                                                   highest authentic version of yourself. You don’t have to
                                                          Meshika explained, “If there’s one thing that I can say is   be anybody else and that’s something that I strive to do
          Meshika’s greatest cheerleader in her entrepreneurial   that momentum is everything. Even if you don’t know   every single day.”
          journey is her husband, “Sometimes I think he thinks I can   what you’re doing, just get up and start doing something,
          walk on water, which I can’t,” she jokes. Meshika recounts   because if you’re going to keep yourself in that space of   Meshika finds her work-life balance by making time
          that she has never felt hemmed in by a glass ceiling,   devastation, you’re not going to move forward.”    for nature, reading, and nurturing family relationships.
          growing up in a supportive household, with a father who                                          You’re not going to win at business, or anything else for
          always believed in her ability to achieve anything.   In addition, Meshika commented that their ability to forgive   that matter, if you’re not winning at life,” she says.
                                                          and their sense of patriotism played a huge part in their
          That both of the prominent male figures in Meshika’s life   ability to move forward again. Demonstrating resilience   She lives by a motto from her late father, “Knowledge
          have held an unwavering belief in her capabilities has   and determination the team re-established two businesses   is power, silence is golden, and wisdom endures. Learn
          played an instrumental role in her accomplishments.   within one month of the devastation and just two months   the necessary skills to succeed, don’t speak unless it is
          “Their belief in me is what propelled me to actually believe                                     to improve the silence and the wisdom that comes with
          in things that I didn’t think I could have achieved initially.”   later all seven businesses were up and running.   experience allows you to excel.”
                                                          Despite the numerous challenges they have encountered,   Meshika’s involvement in KZN Top Business Women is
          Navigating challenging times                    the CMM Group of Companies has won numerous awards   a source of immense pride and honour. She envisions
                                                          over the years. This year they have won the prestigious KZN   using this platform to champion community economic
          The past few years have presented a series of challenges   Top Business Franchising Sector Award, along with the
          for the CMM Group of Companies. The global Covid-19                                              development and encourage the private sector to
          pandemic in 2020 necessitated the temporary closure of   national Sorbet Franchise Partner of the Year Award.  actively participate in elevating the economy. Her goal
          their fast-food franchises and a whole set of challenges   Their unwavering commitment to excellence remained   is to inspire change and shift  the narrative toward a
          to be faced.                                    evident  where, despite  the  devastation faced during   more prosperous and vibrant South Africa.

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