Page 25 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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I  was told that you can’t do this, it’s impossible or you’re not good enough

                – that made me work harder and encouraged me to achieve more.

                                                          because so many times I was told that you can’t do   Ballito in solar installations. This was in less than a year
          Owner and Founder, Dolphin Coast
                                                          this, it’s impossible. Or I was told you don’t belong in   of operating, as a startup company and a female owner.
          Solar Solutions                                 something like this. I was broken down at a stage.”
                                                                                                           However, Isabeau’s accomplishments extend beyond
           sabeau Du Preez, is the owner and founder of Dolphin   The right solution                       the business. She has built invaluable relationships and
           Coast Solar Solutions. From humble beginnings in                                                connections with her clients, which go beyond a typical
         IBallito, Isabeau has recently expanded her business’s   However, Isabeau continued along her journey and   business-customer relationship. Many of her clients still
          reach  far  north  and  far  south,  even  extending  her   achieved great results. She said that she thought the   call her for a catch up, which she really enjoys.
          influence to Cape Town.                         biggest challenge for her was getting her name out   Isabeau added, “We talk about my background and my story
                                                          there and winning the trust of people. Much of this
          Speaking of her motivation to start the company she                                              and where I come from.” These interactions she explains
          says, “I started the company because I  like to  find   process entailed, “Making sure that they know that I’m   have developed into a motivational story and Isabeau has
                                                          not here to just sell them something that they don’t
          solutions. “Obviously we’re all in the same position with   need,” explained Isabeau.            been invited to give motivational talks as a consequence.
          load shedding. We all have the same problems and I’m                                             Isabeau thinks that every single day is an achievement
          there to help you to  find a solution. And for me, it’s   The field of solar technology is complex, and Isabeau’s   because she says, “you’re moving forward.”
          not just about putting a system on your roof.” Of note,   approach involves educating her clients about
          Isabeau strives to educate her clients and is there to   products,  their  warranties,  and  the  importance  of   A dynamic journey
          help them achieve their goals.                  choosing the right solution – which may not be
                                                          the cheapest. It’s about offering comprehensive,   Isabeau’s vision for the future is as dynamic as her journey
          In addition, Isabeau is inspired to make a difference, not   sustainable energy solutions and guiding her clients   has been so far. She aspires to expand her business
          just only in her community, but globally as well. She   to make an informed choice.              further, setting her sights on Cape Town, where demand
          believes that as solar energy is clean and sustainable, its
          use can make a massive difference to our planet.  “Research, ask questions and educate. That’s what I do,”   for her services has already started to take root.
                                                          said Isabeau.                                    Her ambitions aren’t confined to business alone; she also
          An amazing experience                                                                            wants to uplift and empower more women in the industry.
                                                          The glass ceiling                                In advising other women, she says that through her story
          Isabeau had training in solar installation and worked for a                                      she would like them to know that there’s no limit to what
          solar company for some time until she decided to go on   Isabeau’s journey is not just about overcoming   they can do. She explains, “I have achieved what I was told
          her own.  What sets her journey apart is that she started   challenges; it’s about breaking through the glass ceiling   was not possible and yet here I am. My advice for women
          her company with no support. Isabeau simply decided,   and inspiring others to do the same.  She added, “I literally   following in my path would be to have confidence; build
          “I’m going to do this,” and she added that looking at her   see the business as my baby, and I have grown with my   yourself up, get a good network, and a good support
          progress she has had an amazing experience so far and   business. I’ve built connections with my clients and it’s a   system including family, friends, and  peers.”
          learnt a lot of lessons.                        very rewarding job to have.”
                                                                                                           She added, “Obviously we will always be faced with
          Starting a business in a competitive male-dominated   Isabeau believes that in the world of business, one will   difficulties. You have to have the confidence and you
          industry was never going to be easy. However, said   always be faced with difficulties and setbacks. “There’s   have to build resilience just to bounce back when there’s
          Isabeau, she quickly started to build really good   not always a book that tells you the solution to the   failures. You cannot avoid them, but it’s how you handle
          relationships and a really good clientele.      problem. It’s just for you to figure it out, and then again   them.  Also just have fun and enjoy what you do. It’s your
                                                          move forward,” she explained.
          In addition, as a mom, Isabeau had to juggle the                                                 passion and you can do it.”
          needs of her family and her work demands, which is   To overcome some of the mental challenges, Isabeau   Being part of KZN  Top Business Women is really an amazing
          never effortless.                               uses running to destress and refocus.
                                                                                                           experience, said Isabeau,  and means a lot to her. She
          Her motivation to succeed was driven by the challenges                                           added, “When I made the decision that I’m going to start
          she faced along the way. Isabeau commented, “My   Moving forward                                 my own company, when I decided to take that leap of
          motivation came from a different background. It wasn’t   A noteworthy achievement for Isabeau is that Dolphin   faith, it was worth it.”  Isabeau concluded that she is now
          an education. It wasn’t anything like that. It was actually   Coast Solar Solutions has recently been voted as Best of   ‘picking the fruits’ and that she is very blessed.

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