Page 29 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 29

Keep knocking on those doors, always be polite,

                                                             even when it’s tough.

                                                          years ago when her retired husband entrusted her with a   One of the biggest challenges they faced, was finances;
          Director and co-owner, Argento
                                                          building, igniting the spark for their business venture.  starting a business from zero with no bank balance, just
          Trading 117cc                                                                                    a name and a building, required much perseverance and
                                                          Joudalle was motivated to make a positive contribution   tenacity. Further challenges encountered were meeting the
              oudalle  Govender is the  director and  co-owner  of   to their community. “It was a dream to do something   deadlines of large corporate customers when they didn’t have
              Argento Trading 117cc in Isithebe, which manufactures   good in this bad world, to establish something that   the skills to support them, not having transportation to deliver
          J clothing for both corporate and retail clients.   would make a positive impact.”
                                                                                                           the goods, and having to train people at the same time.
          Joudalle is a remarkable businesswoman whose journey   Her aim was not initially to be a manufacturing company,   All of which would be a daunting challenge for any
          to becoming a prominent figure in the world of clothing   in fact, they started as an industrial tool company.   entrepreneur juggling all those balls at once. Joudalle
          manufacturing is inspiring. Her story is one of determination,   However, driven by a deep sense of purpose, Joudalle   attributes much of the success of the business to her
          resilience, and a deep commitment to making a positive   chose clothing manufacturing as her avenue to create a   husband’s inspiration and trust, which allowed her the
          impact on the women of her community.           lasting impact. She said with a smile, “After all, what lady   freedom to lead the business as she saw fit.
                                                          doesn’t like clothing?”
          Argento Trading 117cc, under Joudalle’s visionary leadership,                                    She commented, “Challenges are always there, but I think
          has evolved into a thriving company. With a predominantly   In addition, Joudalle had witnessed the decline of the   that from every challenge we have learnt something, we
          female workforce of 70 employees, she has created a   manufacturing hub in Isithebe and felt compelled to   got stronger and  are looking forward to the next challenge.”
          workplace that prioritises inclusivity and collaboration.   address the need for support in this sector.
                                                                                                           Her future goals revolve around leaving a legacy in Isithebe
                                                          What started with buying and selling clothing for a
          A big word                                                                                       that makes a meaningful difference in her community. She
                                                          company that gave her a chance, then being chosen by   would like to have a company that can sustain the next
          For Joudalle, achieving is quite a big word. She says, ‘I don’t   that company to incubate after winning a request for a   generation of young women seeking employment and
          know how you would describe achieving, but for me every   quote, transformed into a thriving manufacturing business.  empowerment, where localisation plays a large part.
          day is an achievement. Every little thing is an achievement.
          We have a culture of continuous improvement. So, it’s easy   Challenges are opportunities        Be bold
          to achieve things on a daily basis.”
                                                          The growth of Argento Trading 117cc has been nothing   As a successful businesswoman, Joudalle is passionate
          One of her most significant achievements, she believes, is   short of remarkable. Beginning with just four employees   about encouraging young women to be bold, resilient,
          fostering a culture of stability within her company, where   and ten second-hand machines the business has now   and persistent in pursuing their goals. She believes that
          inclusivity and collaboration are the driving forces. “It’s   expanded to include 150 machines.  hard work and determination are the keys to achieving
          no easy feat when you have to get 70 ladies to all be in    However, says Joudalle her primary inspiration to succeed is   success. “Keep knocking on those doors, always be polite,
          agreement at any one time,” says Joudalle with a laugh.
                                                          her dedicated workforce, many of whom are single mothers.   even when it’s tough,” encourages Joudelle. “There’s
          This dedication to creating a harmonious and empowering   Their unwavering commitment to their jobs despite facing   no free lunch for anybody in this world, no matter what
          workplace has led Argento Trading 117cc to be recognised   significant personal challenges of their own, where they   anybody tells you.”
          as the fastest-growing small medium enterprise through   wake  up  at  4  a.m.,  walk  long  distances  in  a  rural  area  to   In her rare moments of relaxation, Joudalle cherishes
          the SME Accelerator programme in 2023.          catch a taxi at 5 a.m. to get to work, and 90% haven’t even   spending time with her five children and occasionally
                                                          finished school, is what continually motivates her. “I think
          However, Joudalle  says that her biggest achievement, and                                        engages in meditation to rejuvenate her spirit.
          Argento’s as well, has been opening a training school for 18   the inspiration came from the fact that they give so much   Being recognised as a  KZN Top Business Woman is a
          young women from rural areas. She commented, ‘I think   and that’s what I’m giving back in return,” shares Joudalle.  significant achievement for Joudalle. She views this
          the training school was a highlight for me as a leader, which   Joudalle maintains a personal connection with her   accolade as a platform that motivates her to work even
          goes far beyond just monetary value, as leaving a legacy   employees, influenced by her Indian culture, her upbringing,   harder. It serves as recognition of her company’s core
          behind is important.”                           and her spirituality as a child of God, believing in God’s grace.
                                                                                                           values of integrity and respect, while simultaneously
                                                          While Joudalle acknowledges her successes, she also says   inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs. She sees
          A Positive Contribution
                                                          that struggles come with running a business. “It has been   her nomination as a well-deserved pat on her back, which
          Although Joudalle came from a corporate background which   quite a journey,” says Joudelle, “and certainly one not   propels her to continue her journey with even greater
          she enjoyed, her journey into entrepreneurship began five   without many challenges.”            dedication and passion.

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