Page 31 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 31

Life is about never giving up,

                       it’s about how you restructure your life, how you prioritise.

                                                          a lot during that time, while I still was trying to strike   And, says Velo, giving social workers a voice to address
          Social worker                                   the balance between family, home and my career,”   their challenges is critical; through her study she is hoping
                                                          commented Velo.                                  to advocate for policy and managerial practice changes.
                 r Velo Govender is a social worker by profession.
                 Her journey through life is a testament to her   Next generation                          Vision for the future
         D dedication to her family, her profession, and her
          thirst for knowledge.                           As their children have reached pivotal stages in their lives,   Her vision extends to her husband’s construction spares
                                                          Velo has shifted her focus toward empowering them to   business, as they are determined to take the company to
          Velo recently celebrated her 27th wedding anniversary   become successful individuals.           into global and southern African markets.
          with her husband, Ricky Govender, who she says is an
          incredible man. Together, they have raised two children,   Her daughter, Jishnavi, has recently graduated and started   For  young  women  aspiring  to  make  their  mark  in  the
          Jishnavi and Mishen, aged 25 and 21 respectively, who   her first job in Cape Town. Velo sees her role as motivating   world,  Velo’s journey stands as  an inspiring  example.
          are both embarking on their journeys into adulthood as   her daughter to achieve more at a younger age, as she   She emphasizes, “It is very important to utilise available
          civil engineers.                                believes that Jishnavi has an entrepreneurial mindset. Her   resources, leverage your knowledge and skills to achieve
                                                          son, Mishen, is being groomed by her husband, Ricky, to   your goals, and network with the right people, even when
          Professionally, Velo wears two hats, juggling two   become involved in the business, as they believe he has   you may not initially recognise who they are.” Knowledge
          significant roles and says that she is a ‘busy body’. Velo is   the ability to influence the vision of the business.  and skills are invaluable assets, and she encourages
          not only an Individual and Family therapist but holds the                                        young women to seize every opportunity to pursue their
          position of Marketing and HR Executive at her husband’s   Velo  has  had  a  lot  of  achievements  in  her  journey.   goals with unwavering determination.
          company, JRV Spares & General. Balancing these two roles   An inspiring aspect of Velo’s journey is her recent
          speaks volumes about her ability to manage multiple   achievement of obtaining a PhD at the age of 51. She   Currently, Velo is running collaborative training workshops
          responsibilities and excel in different domains.  completed the writing of her thesis in one and half years,   for women in different skills such as technology and finance.
                                                          despite numerous medical challenges.
          Velo is currently the chairperson of one of the largest                                          Power of determination
          NGO’s in KZN, the Ubuntu Community Chest, where they   She commented, “I think it has shown that no matter
          allocate funds to over 98 non-profit organisations.  how old you are, that anything is possible. Through a lot   Velo’s life journey has not been without its challenges,
                                                          of dedication, commitment, and resilience I was able to   life is tough she says. A critical health issue disrupted her
          Her professional journey commenced in the non-  find the balance between my career, home as well as my   life five years ago when she was diagnosed with a brain
          governmental organisation  (NGO) sector, where  she   studies and still be able to fulfil that dream of actually   tumour.  “Life just came to a standstill. I did not even get a
          devoted over 15 years to working with children and the   obtaining my PhD.”                      chance to clear my office desk,” said Velo. Her challenges
          elderly. During this time, she was involved in community                                         included post-operative facial nerve complications as
          development and providing support to vulnerable children.  Her research focused on the Impact of Neoliberalism
                                                          and New Managerialism on social workers within the   well as not being able to speak, a problem with her eyes
          Life, however, presented new challenges as she   child welfare sector. This study delved into the myriad   and short-term memory issues.
          navigated the roles of a mother and a wife to a husband,   challenges faced by social workers for many years and   After a one-and-a-half-year recovery period, Velo decided
          who was committed to his business. Recognising the   the imperative need for lasting solutions and change.    that God had given her a second chance of life for a
          need for flexibility in her career to balance her various                                        reason. She now uses her position to work with other
          responsibilities, Velo decided to pursue part-time   The culmination of her research was marked by a   people being diagnosed with critical illness.
          employment at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)   breakfast event attended by her sample group of 130
          and the University of South Africa.             social workers, where Velo shared her findings. Notably,   Velo added, “Life is about never giving up, it’s about
                                                          the National Minister of Social Development, Ms Lindiwe   how you restructure your life, how you prioritise. Even
          “It was a privilege to have the flexibility to continue my   Zulu, attended the event and was the keynote speaker.  if you don’t have the resources find a way, you’ll see
          career while being a devoted mother,” said Velo.  During                                         anything’s possible.”
          this period, she took on a master’s degree in social work   Velo commented, “The Minister applauded me for the
          at UKZN.                                        efforts that I made to take the study forward and talk about   On being nominated for KZN Top Business Women, Velo
                                                          the results and for bringing the social work community   says, “I’m hoping that this will create a platform for me,
          “Through this all  we  were  able to  grow the business   together. As she said, many people do studies and then   as a social worker, to give women a voice, and be an
          and Ricky worked seven days a week to accomplish
                                                          normally put them away on a shelf to collect dust.”  advocate for women that says, you are being heard.”

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