Page 117 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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type of assurance assists the organisation in effectively  Internal Audit and Risk Management
          complying with sound corporate governance   Morar Incorporated’s Internal Audit methodology
          principles and practices. It also enhances the control   is aligned with the needs of National Treasury’s
          environment so as to minimise risk exposure,   guidelines and complies with the requirements of the
          quantifying the impact of risk to stakeholder value,   International Standards for the Professional Practice
          while highlighting areas that are over-controlled.  of Internal Auditing. In addition, they have certified
          Taxation Services                  fraud examiners, and are therefore well positioned to
                                             provide advice on risk management.
          Morar Incorporated’s taxation services are tailored
          around the circumstances of each individual and  Services include:
          company. Their tax professionals use a forward     ƒ Complete outsourcing and co-sourcing of the
          thinking and multi-disciplinary approach to add value      internal audit function
          and help organisations manage tax complexities in     ƒ Assistance in assembling an audit committee
          their everchanging business environments. A broad     ƒ Preparation of an audit committee charter
          range of fully integrated tax solutions are offered.    ƒ Preparation of an internal audit charter
          Government Services                   ƒ Risk identification and management
                                                ƒ Development and implementation of three year
          Services to all spheres of government include:
                                                strategic and annual operational plans
            ƒ Asset Management                  ƒ Implementation of controls
            ƒ Annual Financial Statements and Budgets    ƒ Training and capacity building
            ƒ Audit Readiness Programmes
            ƒ Policies and Procedure Manuals  Forensic and Cybercrime Investigations
            ƒ Strategic Planning; Performance Management  Their team of forensic and cyber-crime specialists
                                             can respond to alleged fraud, corruption and other
          At all levels of government, for financial statements
          to  be  fairly  presented,  the  effects  of  transactions,   commercial crimes without exposing organisations to
          other events and conditions should be accurately   further risk. They have successfully completed various
          represented in accordance with the relevant frame-  investigations across all spheres of government and
          works and standards. The primary challenge faced   the private sector leading to prosecutions.
          by ALL institutions is the completeness and accuracy  Information and Communication Technology
          of disclosures relating to, amongst others: Irregular  Services (ICT)
          expenditure; fruitless and wasteful expenditure;   Specialist ICT advisory and assurance services are
          accruals and payables not recognised; commitments;   offered to ensure that business objectives are met,
          moveable and immoveable tangible capital assets.  and ICT complies with legislative requirements.
          Morar Incorporated has developed an in-house system  Their in-depth experience coupled with unique
          known as EASI which allows institutions to meet  methodologies  allows  Morar  to  deliver  on  client
          all reporting requirements with regards to annual  expectations.
          financial statement disclosures. The system promotes
          transparency, ownership and accountability and
          provides an audit trail of all transactions to support
          the audit process.
          Morar Incorporated  has  developed  a  performance
          management system, ECAPS, which integrates strategy,
          people, processes and measurements to improve
          decision making, transparency  and accountability
          and focuses on achieving outcomes, implementing
          performance measurement, learning, and adapting, as
          well as reporting on performance.
          Supply Chain Management
          Morar Incorporated’s in house web-based application
          was developed to assist with the management
          of unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful
          expenditure and ensure consequence management.  Jennifer Reddy

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