Page 155 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
P. 155

General Manager Emil Claasens with part of the team at SupaHOT’s manufacturing facility.

          of a geyser. They’ve kept a galvanised endcap whereas  Their products boast high quality and durability,
          the market, for cost savings purposes, has moved to  designed to last longer and work better. Certified as
          plastic. While the endcaps are much more expensive  energy efficient to save you money!
          than plastic, the benefits are that metal retains heat   Ahead of the Industry Norms
          better than plastic and consequently is more energy
          efficient. It is also more robust.   The SUPAHOT facility has the capacity to produce about
                                             20 000 units a month, and these are distributed through
          The geysers are made according to ‘world class  the retail market, both independents and nationals.
          methods’, as such each of the components of  Shaaz Moosa, CEO and CFO says, “Geysers are a highly
          manufacture has received close scrutiny. An important  monopolised market in South Africa, and the major
          aspect of a geyser is the welding, and the welding is  players have monopolised the market, dictating pricing,
          performed by the best robotic welding machines in the  as well as how and where you buy their product. Our
          world, used by car manufactures, the likes of Toyota,  components are universal and can be bought anywhere.”
          Porsche and BMW.                   To give their valued customers the best in geysers,
          The  enamelling  process  is  the  next  most  important   SUPAHOT have looked at innovative ways to adapt
          aspect  of  manufacturing.  They  have  a  world-class   to the current needs of the clients and be ahead of
          dry powder coating process undertaken by an   the industry norms. With this in mind the SupaSo7ar
          electrostatic system, and the geyser’s boiler is baked   system came to life. The system has several key features
          at 840°C to cure and bake the enamel.  that ensure that it has both state-of-the-art pieces of
                                             equipment and value for money; making it the best
          But SUPAHOT haven’t stopped there. They are  option for a wide range of clients. Even though this
          constantly looking for ways to innovate and improve on  offering is energy efficient and equipped with the latest
          their geysers, such as introducing a specially designed  technologies, it still keeps in line with the company’s
          foaming agent created by a chemical engineer and as  mission to be a versatile geyser solution to plumbers
          of 2024 added another anode to assist the first andode  everywhere.
          with corrosion.                    Moosa says he would ultimately like consumers to be as
          The foam between the boiler and the outer case further  aware of the features of their geyser as they are today of
          assists in retaining the heat, which in turn regulates  their television sets, fridges and other appliances in their
          how often the thermal element kicks in. This process   homes – as the geyser is also an appliance.
          makes SUPAHOT geysers in aggregate more energy  “A geyser is an electrical item, and I want to make the
          efficient than their competitors – bearing in mind all  end user – be it the plumber or the homeowner – more
          geysers have to comply with new regulations requiring  aware of the different products available, as well as their
          they are B rated (as opposed to the old less energy-  differences. They shouldn’t buy a geyser brand just
          efficient D rating).               because they have to or used to which is the norm – the
                                             must make an informed decision.”
          Due to the better quality and components, the cost
          of the geysers will consequently be more expensive  Moosa says a plumber can install any element he
          by a margin of perhaps 15% but their pricing will be  chooses.  He  says  the  company  strives  to  service  the
          market related.                    plumber, homeowner and retailer.

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