Page 18 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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industry. The park will be developed in collaboration reinforcing KwaZulu-Natal’s role as a trade hub for
with eThekwini Municipality. southern Africa
Transport, Storage, and Communication Sector The Dube TradePort is a flagship project located north
Transport is a crucial driver of economic growth in South of Durban and is Africa’s only facility that integrates
Africa, and KwaZulu-Natal is a significant contributor, an international airport, dedicated cargo terminal,
accounting for 20.3% of the national transport sector. warehousing, offices, retail, and an agriculture hub.
The province’s strategic location makes it vital for intra- Together with King Shaka International Airport and
African trade. intermodal road, rail, and sea infrastructure, the
Dube TradePort enhances business efficiency and
The Durban and Richards Bay ports are essential effectiveness. This strategic integration allows KwaZulu-
gateways for goods movement, facilitating trade within Natal to play a leading role in logistics and trade.
the continent and fostering economic growth. However,
efforts are currently focused on addressing congestion, The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) at Dube TradePort
inefficient cargo handling, long vessel waiting times, and Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone
and the ports’ inability to adapt to increased demand, (RBIDZ) serve as government initiatives aimed at
particularly at the Durban port. promoting inclusive economic growth, deepening
industrialisation, and enhancing the competitiveness
Consequently, the involvement of the private sector of the manufacturing sector. These SEZs have
in South Africa’s transport infrastructure is increasing, attracted a combined investment of over R25 billion
with Transnet advancing various equity and in the last five years, signalling their importance to the
operating partnerships with both international and provincial economy, particularly in aiding recovery
local investors. These initiatives range from smaller from the Covid-19 pandemic.
concession rail line slots to large equity investments,
such as those from the Philippines International Dube TradeZone 2, the latest phase of Dube TradePort,
Container Terminal Company, addressing previous has secured R1.8 billion in private sector investment,
weaknesses in infrastructure. which is expected to create 600 jobs over the next five
years. The zone targets industries in manufacturing,
Ongoing infrastructure upgrades at Richards Bay assembly, logistics, and automotive sectors, expanding
Port are designed to enhance capacity and efficiency, the opportunities for local and international enterprises.
Durban harbour: Photo by Axel Bührmann