Page 47 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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staff who are technical signatories, verification
managers and verification analysts, each of whom,
apart from their undergraduate/post graduate
qualifications, have also completed their BBBEE MDP
BEESCORE also utilises the services of independent
analysts to support its operations, to cater for seasonal
business growth.
A vision that Usha and her team share is that they are
committed to playing their part in actively promoting
the intended spirit of the BEE codes to support the
businesses and communities that will ultimately drive
inclusive economic growth in South Africa.
Managing Director
BEESCORE’s managing director and 100% shareholder
is Usha Jivan who is one of the founding shareholders
of BEESCORE and is responsible for the overall
operations of the company.
Usha is an attorney by profession, having practiced for
several years in the fields of civil, criminal, and family
Having published in law journals and co-authoring
two books, Usha has also lectured at the University
of KwaZulu-Natal. She has delivered papers at many
national and international conferences (including
papers on BBBEE) and was deeply involved in Why Choose BEESCORE?
community legal assistance. BEESCORE is a SANAS accredited,100% Black
Usha has also presented at webinars held by the Female owned entity which qualifies for 135%
BEE Chamber SA together with the SA Chamber UK. back in procurement spend and bonus points
She was also a speaker at an Enterprise and Supplier when clients utilise our services.
Development Summit held at the ICC in July 2023 Their SANAS accreditation extends to all industry
and presented on the principle of Transformational vs sectors, except for the Defence sector.
Transactional BEE. Clients that choose BEESCORE can take advantage
of offerings unique to the company. They
Professional registrations:
specialise in interim and final BBBEE scorecard
Attorney of the High Court of South Africa (1987) ratings, BBBEE verification training, ownership
Trained mediator in Industrial Relations -IMSSA analysis and certification, Enterprise (ED)
(1994) and Socio-Economic (SED) certification and JV/
Trained Family and Divorce Mediator-Training Consortium certification
Institute (1995) Using highly qualified analysts and their ‘value
Client Base add’ philosophy, they ensure prompt turnaround
BEESCORE has conducted verifications across multiple of certification.
sector codes servicing both private sector and public They adopt a pragmatic approach in applying
sector entities. The client base includes those that BBBEE verification methodologies.
they continue to service from 2006, which can attest They pride themselves in 100% customer service
to their customer service experience with BEESCORE. and accuracy in their BBBEE assessments.
Usha commented, “Our all-star black, female managed Values
business has gone on to become the BEE verification The team at BEESCORE embraces certain values.
partner of choice for large organisations such as Integrity, respect, diversity, efficiency, and service
SAICA, Aramex SA, Colgate-Palmolive, Mr Price Group, excellence are of ultimate importance. One can expect
BP SA, The Interwaste Group, and the Euro Steel Group to find these values consistently threaded throughout
amongst others.” the fabric of the business. 45