Page 63 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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EXCELLENCE Our model encourages collaboration and knowledge
sharing among HR practitioners, providing access
As a Level 2 B-BBEE certified company, 52% Black to expertise, branding, administrative support, and
women-owned, DRG Siyaya has been revolutionising opportunities for growth.
human resource management since 2006. With a rich Advantages Offered
history as one of the first SANAS accredited B-BBEE Access to competency and behavioural
verification companies, we’ve evolved to focus on
providing comprehensive HR solutions. assessment tools
DRG Online, an HR app for streamlined
Our Expertise
HR transactions
DRG Siyaya offers a wide range of HR and compliance Fully compliant HR practices through our
services, including: core product
Payroll management and third-party payments Our Mission
Employment equity reporting
Skills development reporting (WSP/ATR) DRG Siyaya aims to expand efficient and effective HR
Creating productive cultures and work management services, helping entrepreneurs and
environments business leaders introduce best practices, grow their
Disciplinary hearings and dispute resolution businesses, and develop sustainable organisations.
Performance management processes
Job descriptions, role profiling, and grading Get in Touch
Recruitment, induction, and competency Contact us to learn more about our tailored solutions
assessment tools and take the first step towards successful HR admin-
Leadership and mentorship programs istration, compliance, engagement and best practice.
Client Base
Please contact Lindiwe at or on
We’ve built a significant client base among small, +27 31 767 0625 to support your HR service needs
medium, and entrepreneurial enterprises. in South Africa. 61