Page 25 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
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No matter the adversity, there’s always something to smile about.
It’s essential to focus on the positives.
Realising Dreams Internal Auditors, SA Institute of Taxation and the Chartered
Chief Executive Officer,
Institute of Business Accountants and the directorships
ControlPro Thirusha is driven to ensure that CEOs are well-supported. held in non-profit organisations as her way of giving back.
“Business owners excel in operations, but challenges
hirusha Govender is the CEO and founder of often arise during expansion,” she explains. “You can’t run Reflecting on her personal journey, Thirusha shared
ControlPro (Pty) Ltd, a business development firm a business solely from your head! Well-trained staff and that she encountered numerous challenges, including
T specialising in business advisory, internal audit and tools like standard operating procedures are essential for trauma and health issues, when starting her business
compliance, risk management and taxation. Often referred growth and sustainability. Your business should create a in 2015. “Initially, I could only work a few hours a week,
to as a “business doctor”, ControlPro specialises in business legacy of wealth, whether you want to sell it or pass it but I accepted that this gradual pace was essential
services, tailored to the needs of each client. down through generations.” for my recovery.” She recalls celebrating the day she
could manage six hours of work: “That was a significant
Thirusha’s comprehensive approach centres on con- “Have fun with your business,” she advises. “It can be
ducting gap analyses to evaluate business operations. exciting if you manage the details effectively through accomplishment for me! Overcoming these obstacles has
“My goal is to maximise profits and minimise losses,” she systems. This way, you can work on the business instead of allowed me to build my brand and business.”
notes. Drawing on skills and experience in internal audit in it, enjoying the luxuries of ownership, like flexibility and Thirusha considers herself a trauma survivor, stating,
and risk management, she identifies areas of concern realising your dreams.” “I am a product of love and endless support from my
within entities, such as the underutilisation of resources, husband, immediate family, and best friend. My husband
inefficient systems and/or processes and then finds cost- When discussing her dreams, Thirusha states, “I’m family- and daughter are my biggest fans. My husband is always
efficient solutions to streamline operations in both, the oriented, my biggest dream was to find my dream partner, supportive, empowering and a great leader. This, together
private and public sectors. build my family and to be able to take care of my parents with Christ, are the foundation from which I rise.”
and travel the world. The latter is still a work in progress!”
Her academic journey includes a Bachelor of Accounting Looking ahead, she encourages young women to, “Do
Science and a postgraduate BCom degree in auditing, as Thirusha’s upbringing was filled with love, which she what you are passionate about and do it to a level of
well as studies in management accounting, taxation and credits as a source of inspiration. “We didn’t have the excellence. Be curious, be willing to try and fail. Learn how
risk. She chose a career in internal audit to “add value from highest income, but quality time was prioritised. My to leverage failure as stepping stones to success. As you
the inside.” This is what gave birth to ControlPro: “The parents’ sacrifices instilled a deep appreciation for hard start your journey, be like a mega sponge and absorb as
desire to assist businesses develop their core from which work.” She explained that they had provided strong role much knowledge and know-how as you possibly can.
there can be growth and sustainability. A lack of financial models for lifelong learning and adaptability. “Knowing
expertise, especially when establishing a business, has led that I come from such a solid background gives me the You are a diamond in the rough, you have all the potential
to the failure of many businesses which were otherwise security to grow.” As her family expanded, she noted, “We in you to dazzle the world, but it is your responsibility to
completely viable. We seek to partner with businesses to remain close-knit, and that unity motivates me to believe acknowledge that and shine bright.”
minimise this risk.” that life is worth fighting for. We can choose happiness.”
Thirusha’s future goals include leaving a legacy for her
Thirusha is a firm believer that “knowledge is power” and At the heart of Thirusha’s business philosophy is a daughter and future generations — one that embodies
is passionate about offering practical training to not only commitment to excellence, collaboration, and practical courage and compassion. “I want to support other
improve businesses but to upskill and empower people. solutions. She believes that success is not just about entrepreneurs, as that’s how jobs are created, which
individual achievements but about lifting others as empowers families,” she explains. Ultimately, she believes
Reflecting on her early experiences, Thirusha states, “I that when employees and their families thrive, society
believe serving my (SAICA) articles was an education in you climb. This philosophy is evident in her approach benefits. “No matter the adversity, there’s always something
itself, it was a valuable learning ground where I developed to business, where she emphasises teamwork and to smile about. It’s essential to focus on the positives.”
essential soft skills and learned how to interact with clients. mutual growth.
Not to mention the ability to apply theory to real life Attention to Detail In her personal life, Thirusha aspires to find balance. “I find
situations. I have always been curious and keen to learn, serenity in nature— particularly sunrises, sunsets, and the
seeking to find the ‘why’ in all things. I listen and observe The proof of Thirusha’s success lies in her long-term client ocean waves. Appreciating the beauty of creation reminds
more than I talk and I learn from my mistakes and the relationships and referrals, her business growth into its me of God’s power and the interconnectedness of all
mistakes of others.” tenth year; professional memberships to the Institute of things. This uplifts me, and that joy is truly priceless.”
Thirusha GOVENDER | 23