Page 67 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
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I think my experiences allow me to empathise better
with diverse situations.
led to the creation of Minimorphosis, where her passion for to learn from them and not let them define you,” she
child development truly flourished. advises. “I think my experiences allow me to empathise
Minimorphosis better with diverse situations, helping parents and
Minimorphosis is not just about teaching children; it
ugashani Pragasan, founder of Minimorphosis, an focuses on the holistic development of each child. “I look children from different backgrounds,” she says.
educational consultation and parental coaching at everything that affects the child’s growth — cognitive Yugashani is particularly motivated by witnessing the
Ybusiness, describes her path as one deeply rooted development, social and emotional well-being, the transformations in families. “The changes I see when
in her love for child development and education. “I’ve home environment, and even the extra activities they parents begin to understand why their children behave
always been passionate about helping children reach engage in,” says Yugashani. She takes pride in offering in certain ways are incredibly rewarding. Many parents
their full potential,” she says. “My journey has taken me personalised coaching to parents, helping them achieve initially think their child is just stubborn or misbehaving,
from early childhood development to life coaching, and specific goals for their children while ensuring that the but when they start to parent differently, it brings out the
I’ve studied various approaches like Montessori teaching, overall approach aligns with their needs. best in the child,” she says with a smile. This inspiration
youth development, and the art of positive parenting. drives her to continue expanding her services and
Currently, I’m furthering my skills in neuro-linguistic Parents often approach Yugashani for advice on a reaching out to more families.
programming (NLP).” Raised in Phoenix, Yugashani’s range of issues, from establishing good sleep routines
passion emerged from diverse experiences both in South and managing discipline to encouraging balanced Looking ahead, Yugashani’s dream is to establish a centre
Africa and abroad, shaping the foundation of her career. eating habits, supporting cognitive development, and that provides comprehensive support for families. “I
developing fine and gross motor skills. Her training in the envision a holistic centre where parents and children
A Diverse Path art of positive parenting, acquired during her time in the can come for a range of services — occupational
United States, aligns seamlessly with her life coaching
Yugashani’s journey began at 18, when she took a gap year therapy, speech therapy, educational consultations,
to work as an au pair in the United States. “Leaving South approach. “My goal is to guide parents towards a better and life coaching,” she explains. “I would love to reach
Africa and going to the US opened my eyes. That experience understanding of their children’s behaviour,” she notes, the communities that can’t afford these services. If my
ignited a passion for child development.” After returning emphasising that each child is unique, and parenting business could achieve a financial status, or if I could find
home, she pursued studies in youth development, followed techniques must be adaptable to meet those needs. the right funding, that would be the dream; giving back to
by practical experience in early childhood development “Today’s children face a lot of social and emotional those who need it the most,” she expresses passionately.
and Montessori teaching. Her pursuit of diverse experiences challenges — there’s so much pressure to perform well
didn’t stop there. She went on to work as an au pair in and to fit in socially,” she observes. “Through my work, I For young women, Yugashani offers simple yet
Europe and later joined Disney Cruise Line as one of the aim to help children understand themselves better and profound advice: “Embrace life and find happiness in
onboard managers for the kids’ club. assist parents in supporting them. It’s about shaping a every moment. Don’t get stuck in your challenges; use
generation that is emotionally resilient and self-aware.” them as opportunities for growth. There’s always a way
Reflecting on her time with Disney, Yugashani says, “It forward. Happiness comes from gratitude, and that’s
was a fantastic experience. I learned so much about Embracing Growth what really matters.”
different cultures and child development in unique
environments. I was responsible for managing children’s When reflecting on her achievements, Yugashani considers Balancing her demanding career with personal time is
activities, ensuring they were safe and engaged, and her ongoing success in the face of adversity to be her also a priority for her. “I force myself to take breaks because
that taught me invaluable lessons about understanding greatest accomplishment. “Life hasn’t always been easy,” she it’s important to find balance,” she shares. “Whether it’s a
children’s needs.” However, like many others, the Covid-19 admits. “I’ve faced many challenges, both personally and walk on the beach, reading a good book, or just relaxing
pandemic brought her back to South Africa. professionally. But I choose to focus on the lessons learned at home, taking time to recharge is crucial.”
and keep moving forward, always believing that there’s
“Coming back was the opportunity I needed to truly step something better ahead.” She believes that growth comes In her own words, Yugashani Pragasan is “living most of
into my purpose,” she shares. “Assisting parents on how from accepting past experiences, no matter how dark, and her dream,” but she continues to strive for more. Through
to adapt to the new normal with their children, from using them as stepping stones rather than obstacles. Minimorphosis, she aims to create a positive impact on
establishing routines to managing behavioural challenges. children and their families, one step at a time. As she
The demand for support in parental coaching and “You have to recognise the challenges and understand puts it, “This is my soul’s purpose—helping children and
alternative education was evident,” she explains. This shift that they are there to teach you something. It’s important families grow. It’s what I was meant to do.”
Yugashani PRAGASAN | 65