Page 69 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
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My dream is to see a more equitable world where everyone,
regardless of gender, has the opportunity to achieve their dreams.
opportunities she encountered early on. “I was fortunate helping three or four others—whether it’s their families
to find a small business, Austral Accounting, right at or their children. I think a lot of business people forget
Austral Accounting
the start of my career. I did my articles there, became a that it’s not just the individual you’re uplifting, but also
partner, and eventually took full ownership.” those around them.”
ynette Pretorius is a professional accountant with
30 years of experience. As the owner of Austral While accounting may seem straightforward, Lynette For young women entering the business world, Lynette
L Accounting, a firm specialising in the SME market, notes that life can present challenges — ‘life happens’ she offers straightforward advice. “Believe in yourself,” she
Lynette has dedicated her career to helping small and shares. “I was pregnant with my eldest son while trying says. “I see so many women who don’t think they can
medium-sized enterprises thrive. “I absolutely love what to finish my degree,” she recalls. “Nothing is easy, but the achieve, and that’s simply not true.” She encourages
I do on a daily basis,” she shares. career path is set, and you just have to get on with it.” women to reach out and leverage their networks.
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help—whether it’s about
Lynette admits that her journey to success was “rather Despite these hurdles, Lynette has found fulfilment in
government programmes, support, or advice. You don’t
ordinary,” yet far from straightforward. “I loved drama her work. She is particularly proud of how her business
have to make the same mistakes others have made.”
in school,” she reveals. “It was my seventh subject, and has evolved. “We’ve changed the way accounting and
I really thought I would pursue a career in theatre.” finance is done in the SME sector,” she explains. “The use Rule the World
However, her mother had other ideas, encouraging her of technology has been a game-changer. But my favourite
Lynette’s ambitions go beyond her business, as she
towards a more practical path. “She took me to a career part of the business is the mentorship we provide. We’ve
dreams of a more equitable society. “I want to rule the
counsellor, who said accounting was my strength. I wasn’t been able to train new professional accountants and help
world,” she says with a laugh, but her message is serious
too excited about it at first, but in the 90s, there wasn’t them enter the South African economy. It’s incredibly
much money in theatre.” rewarding to know I’ve played a role in their careers.” and her ambitions are clearly grounded in having a lasting
impact. “Women often get the raw side of the deal. We
After starting her accounting degree at university, Empowering Women are mothers, caregivers, providers, and businesswomen,
Lynette decided to drop out after the first year. “I wasn’t all rolled into one. My dream is to see a more equitable
enjoying it, so I returned to Durban and started looking When asked about what inspires her, Lynette doesn’t world where everyone, regardless of gender, has the
for a job. Ironically, I ended up in accounting.” Despite her point to a single person. “It’s the people who come in and opportunity to achieve their dreams.”
initial reservations, she soon discovered an unexpected out of my life,” she says. “I love the people we do business
passion for accounting and taxation. “I loved the people, with, the people in my sphere. Everyone contributes Her recent travels to India highlighted the stark contrast
the systems, and the processes. So, I decided to go back and uplifts me in some way.” Whether it’s a colleague or between women’s freedom in various parts of the
and finish my degree. It took a while, but it was the best someone she encounters briefly, Lynette finds inspiration world. “In South Africa, we are fortunate that women can
decision I ever made,” Lynette reflected. everywhere. “Even the guy who opened the lift with a partake in economic activity. But in many places, women
smile this morning brightened my day.” are still oppressed. My big dream is fairness for all, where
Path to Growth everyone can pursue their goals and aspirations.”
One of her standout achievements is her involvement
She went on to earn a Bachelor of Commerce, specialising in the FACET Leadership Programme. “I was fortunate Outside of work, Lynette enjoys spending time at home
in accounting and taxation, and still strives to improve to be part of a group of women building leadership and travelling with her husband. “It sounds corny, but
her skills. “I keep doing CPDs (continuing professional skills,” she says. “It taught me so much, and I’ve been I love being at home,” she says. One of her newfound
development) — I love learning. We evolve as people able to apply those skills in my business and within the hobbies is playing padel tennis. “I’m useless at it,” she
so continuous learning is essential for success. It doesn’t community.” In addition, Lynette is part of the Graça laughs, “but I have fun, and that’s what matters.”
matter what interests you; learning is the path to growth.” Machel Trust, furthering her commitment to leadership
and empowerment. She also enjoys crafting with her Cricut machine,
“Accounting has a very structured career path. You finish making T-shirts, caps, and mugs for her staff. “It’s a fun
your degree, do your articles, and then you’re ready Lynette is acutely aware of the broader impact her way to keep busy and show my appreciation to those
to start your career.” She attributes her success to the business has. “For every one person we employ, we’re around me,” concluded Lynette.
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