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        his edition of Business                                                             ■   Every business needs a
        Sense falls at the end of                                                             roadmap to success
   TWomen’s Month in South                                                                  ■   Business has a role in
   Africa. National Women’s Day                                                               supporting mental health
   on the 9 August commemorates                                                             ■   Wheels in motion to upskill
   the day in 1956 when Rahima                                                                leadership                   KWAZULU-NATAL
   Moosa, Lilian Ngoyi, Helen                                                                                              BUSINESS CHAMBERS
   Joseph and Sophie Williams de                                                            ■   Do you know your customer?
   Bruyn led thousands of women in                                                          ■   Protecting your company    COUNCIL:
   the march to the Union Buildings                                                           assets
   to protest against apartheid pass                                                                                       Chairperson: Paul Ngema
   laws.  Each year we continue to                                                           BRICS has been top of mind in   Physical Address:
   celebrate the achievements of                                                            August and eThekwini hosted a   Queens Court Building,
   women from all walks of life as                                                          trade and investment seminar
   well as assess the success and                                                           for foreign delegates to promote   5 Samora Machel Street,
   failures in gender equality.                                                             economic collaboration and     Durban, 4001
                                 have also recognised the month    Heroes’, which pays tribute to   attract foreign investment to
    As such we look forward to the                                                          South Africa.  Significantly,   Tel: +27 (0)31 305 9867
   KZN Top Business Women 2023   through different initiatives,   over 40 people, who have made   breaking ground was the
   powered by DRG, BusinessFit and   which are featured.      an invaluable contribution to   R1.9-billion Giba Business   E-mail:
   Mangwanani African Spa, which   This edition also includes   society but have flown under the   Estate, which is the largest   Website:
   kicked off this month. The theme   the Standard Bank KZN   radar was recently launched.   light industrial and logistics
   ‘Celebrate the Extraordinary’ gives  Top Business Awards 2023   Other articles from our editorial  development (and investment)
   recognition to all the participating   supplement. We are delighted to   partners, which are aimed   within Durban’s Outer West in
   women who have set strong     feature Shadrach Karien, CEO of   at building productive and   more than three years.    support and guidance from
   examples and make a real impact   Mi7 National Group on the front   compliant workplaces, include:                     business mentoring companies.
   in the workplace and in society.   page. The Mi7 National Group                           Further to South Africa’s     As said Oprah Winfrey, “When
                                 were the winners of the KZN Top   ■   Does my company need to be    economic recovery, SMEs hold
    Many other organisations     Business Brand Award.          B-BBEE compliant?           the key, explains David White. In   you undervalue what you do, the
   and companies such as the                                                                order to do so they need effective   world will undervalue who you
   Zululand Chamber of Commerce,   And in the vein of recognition,   ■   Fuelling vibrancy in an    encouragement and opportunity   are. You get in life only what you
   Icebolethu  Group and  Sappi   the book entitled, ‘The Unsung     economy                from larger organisations and   have the courage to ask for.” 

                                                              SHE INVESTS

                                                                    he Zululand Chamber of   powerful theme #SHENVESTS
                                                                    Commerce and Industry   encouraging Women to invest
                                                              Tcelebrated women in an       in their business, career, health
                                                              Empowerment Breakfast held    and family.
                                                              at uMfolozi Casino under the   W:

  BUSINESS SENSE                                        © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of Business Sense may be reproduced   COMMENTS:
                                                        or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of  Top Business.   We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments
  Published by: Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every   that raise questions, clarify content, constitute serious rebuttals,
  Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529     attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee   and promote discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will
                                                                                                            be moderated. Moderation of comments may include but are not
  Editorial: Gayle Adlam: 083 653 0465 | 031 267 1977 |  that inaccuracies will not occur. Top Business will not be held responsible for any loss,   necessarily limited to  non publishing of comments, removal of
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  Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht:  pages.                                              offending material, or editing for spelling or grammar, at the sole
                                                                                                            discretion of the editorial board of Business Sense.
  Design & Layout: Kerri Adlam | Kezlea Graphics |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors   Please send your queries to
  Website:                         alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal   We look forward to hearing from you!
                                                        Business Chambers Council, its members,  staff or funding agencies and advertisers.
  BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by Top Business Portfolio.

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