Page 16 - KZN Business Sense 8.1
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                      David White, CEO                                                                                         There needs too, of course to be
                       DRG Outsourcing                                                                                         a common language in South
                        and South African                                                                                      African business based on
                        Chapter Leader of                                                                                      meeting stakeholder expectations,
                       the SA Chamber of                                                                                       ensuring business objectives
                       Commerce UK                                                                                             are met in a timely and quality
                                                                                                                               assured manner, and honouring
                           very                                                                                                societal ethics, governance and
                           country in                                                                                          sustainability measures.
                       Ethe world                                                                                              Progress to date
                        is striving
                        to grow and                                                                                              Through sheer single mindedness,
                        maintain a                                                                                             we at DRG, BusinessFit and the
                        productive                                                                                             SA Chamber of Commerce,
                        population and                                                                                         United Kingdom, have created
                        sustainable                                                                                            opportunity for quality client and
                        economy. This                                                                                          network introductions, professional
        is the intent of governments and                                                                                       business and leadership mentoring
        conscientious business leaders in                                                                                      and support, and a five-stage
        all countries. Simply put, countries   due to inadequate education and   challenge is exacerbated by limited  science within these disciplines.   quality assurance process with
        need productive workforces to   support programmes to help   government aid in any of the   Accessing new markets and   individual enterprise sustainability
        contribute to the development and   prepare children and young adults   stages of enterprise establishment   opportunities is the result of   reports created at level four of the
        sustainability of their economies,   for the modern world of small   and continuation. An analogy may  consumer awareness and qualified   quality assurance process. The
        and in doing so, grow their tax   business management. South   be in asking people to sing without  network introductions.   sustainability report is based on a
        base to underpin government’s   Africans, as a generalisation, lack   any voice training, musical   Potential for success  set of 34 criteria essential in helping
                                      access to essential elder mentoring
                                                                    equipment, and platform to
        capacity to provide leadership,   from parents, family, and   perform on. Entrepreneurs all too                        enterprises meet organisational
        infrastructure, and services.   competent business leaders.  often have no business training,    South Africa has a number   objectives and shareholder
        Countries become and remain                                                               of advantages over the rest of   measures. These measures include
        sustainable through intellectual   The vastness in divide of   no access to essential resources,   the world in creating effective   developing authentic and confident
                                                                    and no networks or established
        contributions from citizens in   understanding commerce, personal   trade routes.         business ecosystems; the     leadership, building business
        day-to-day problem solving,   advancement and business                                    prominent one being perhaps   minded administration and
        through creating cultures that   sustainability, is too great a void   The business ecosystem as a   its sense of a desperate need to   related compliance and reporting
        encourage ongoing innovation   for many, in fact for most, people   solution              create a productive and more   frameworks, ensuring adequate
        and opportunity, and by ensuring   to rise above the low and lingering                    self-sufficient society. The South   functional area procedures and
        enduring value creation and   poverty line. Change is essential, to   A good business ecosystem   African Government is already   administration foundations, and
        relevance in product and service   reactivate hope and opportunity,   welcomes and assists entrepreneurs  providing some 18 million grants   encouraging energised staffing
        conceptualisation and delivery.    and this is established through a   and business leaders at all   to its population of approximately   through designing productive and
        This supports manufacturing   supporting business ecosystem and   levels throughout the business   60 million people. This number   highly engaged work environments.
        capacity, local reliance, and   aiding commercial value chain.  development processes, and   of grants from its 14 million   A team of us have been
        capitalising on local and      Successful entrepreneurism at   right up to its maturity and point   registered taxpayers, where only 8   providing business development
        international product and service   all levels of society is the key to   of sustainability. Entrepreneur   million people contribute employee   and ecosystem services to
                                                                                                  tax towards the fiscus is in itself
                                                                    development incubators are a
        distribution opportunities and   prosperity and a brighter tomorrow  welcome help, as they provide   alarming.  The countries national   entrepreneurs and business leaders
        channels and is commonly referred   for everyone.  South Africa has   support during initial set up and   debt has grown by some 20% since   for many years, and are now at a
        to as a healthy business ecosystem.  an informal business sector that   learning phases of the enterprise,   the beginning of the pandemic,   point where we aim to scale these
                                      operates outside of legislated   but without mentoring, guidance   and the unemployment level has   operations. We have considered
        South Africa’s challenge                                                                                               that Business Sense readers may
                                      confines. This informal sector   and encouragement post this basic   in recent months become one of
          South Africa is no different   contributes to the livelihoods of   foundation stage, little continuity   the most extreme in the world,   like to play a part in our unfolding
        from other countries in striving   those involved in its practices.   and value is created. No matter   with some 75% of the youth   story. Your involvement and
        for these outcomes, although it   However, these ventures contribute  what industry or business type an   not working, nor having the   contribution in this work would
        is severely hampered by its own   only small amounts to the   entrepreneur chooses, or if it is a   opportunity nor ability to access   undoubtedly be a catalyst in
        uniqueness as a society where a   financial needs of government   product or service being delivered,   the economy.    advancing the desired outcome
        large portion of the population   and the formal economy. South   it is still enormously complex to                    of our vision of a working nation,
        are not enabled to contribute   Africa needs a revolution,   remain profitable and compliant   Citizens have learned to live and   with each participant excited to
        physically and financially to   namely, a dynamic adjustment in   with engaged and contributing   survive in South Africa, but to lift   be a contributor in building the
        the growth and development of   survival skills as individuals and   staff members resulting in   the tide as it were, within each of   nation’s pride and prosperity. 
        the nation. This phenomenon is   communities within society, as well  a successful and sustainable   the sectors and communities in
        due mostly to inequality in both   as contributions to the country’s   enterprise. This is the purpose and   the country, it is essential that the   For more information contact
        opportunity and an understanding  collective needs and ability in order  intent of a business ecosystem.  natural entrepreneurial culture   E:
        of business processes and     to progress beyond its current                              of South Africans is encouraged   W:
        structures. The South African   limitations.                 A powerful business ecosystem   and enabled through business
        population is thus deeply divided                           has three distinctive aspects,   and financial management
        in its ability to contribute towards   Starting an entrepreneurial   the first being in helping   awareness. Growing each
        growth and sustainability at the   venture in South Africa is hugely   entrepreneurs off the starting   business marginally each day, and
        macro level. The majority of South   complex. The education system   blocks. This is the incubator   providing an ecosystem safety net
        Africa’s population is made up   does not prepare youth adequately   process, where fundamentals   for entrepreneurs and business
        of self-reliant citizens, but who   for the complexity and challenges   and responsibilities of business   leaders to result in improved
        in most cases are able only to eke   that exist within the world of   leadership and administration   success ratios and reduced cost of
                                      commerce.  Success in business
        out a marginal existence. Lack of   requires skill, experience, access   are shared with participating and   wasted resources, will contribute to
        financial and business acumen                               energised entrepreneurs. Second   employment opportunities and the
        is often cited as the foundation   to resources and networks,   is quality assurance controls and   growth of the nation.
        missing in helping to propel   and commanding leadership    sustainability methodologies.  This   South Africa’s path forward as   SCAN
                                      practices to help access and
        entrepreneurial ventures and   sustain opportunities within the   is where business mentorship and   a sustainable nation is to nurture   QR CODE
        business initiatives that would help   economy. These understandings   guidance are critical in providing   the country’s entrepreneurial
        to grow the nation’s economy.                               the business framework and    culture, and to provide business   TO SEE
                                      and know how elude most of those  foundation. Third is accessing                            VIDEO
          Furthermore, South Africans,   attempting to set up and run a   markets and opportunities.    skills and support to create growth
        due to their country’s history, have  business in South Africa, and   Having a well-structured and   and development opportunities
        largely been unable to contribute   as such success is often elusive,   compliant business is easily   for existing enterprises and new   (Open the camera on your phone, for 2-3 seconds
        towards the nation’s economy   or at best unpredictable. The   possible through following the   entrants to thrive in the market.   hover over the QR Code to see the video.)

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