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        Sean Sharp, Executive Head of Sales,   According to Sean Sharp,   bring fresh skills and thinking   the partial or full payment of   Sean explains, “Our bursary
        EduPower Skills Academy                                                                   the executive head of sales at   into your business, creating   school, college and university   candidates may not be
                                      EduPower Skills Academy,      a sustainable talent pipeline   fees, the funding of textbooks and   university graduates but they
           anuary and February can be   the fastest and simplest way   that will ultimately add to your   subsistence or accommodation   have just as much to offer
           some of the most stressful   to make the required spend   company’s success.”          during the period of study, as well   businesses. Bursaries give us
        Jmonths of the year for       and gain the available points is   He adds that more companies   as optional stipends that can be   a greater ability to support
        companies looking to retain or   through bursaries. “With the   have been investing in bursaries   paid to bursary holders over the   our clients by ensuring that at
        improve their B-BBEE rating.    limited time available before   following the 2019 revisions to   period of the bursary programme.  the end of their programmes,
        With the financial year-end   financial year-end, the quickest   the skills development targets in   “These costs all count towards   their graduates are truly great
        looming, some businesses may   and most effective solution to   the B-BBEE codes. This change   skills development spend and   entrepreneurs, innovators and
        be scrambling to make the     make up any deficit you may   requires large organisations   it is commendable that as a   leaders that have the practical
        spend required to achieve their   have in skills development   with a turnover of more than   result, so many more bursaries   experience they need to be ready
        skills development targets and   spend is to invest in bursaries,”   R50 million to spend at least   are available. But there is a   for the working world.”
        thus, secure the maximum      says Sean. “Life-changing for   2,5% of their annual ‘leviable   missing link that still needs to   Bursaries can unlock incredible
        points for this priority element.  the recipient, bursaries can   amount’ (or payroll expenses)   be addressed by the market,”   opportunities for South Africa’s
                                                                    on bursaries for previously   says Sean.                    youth. Indeed, if bursaries could
                                                                    disadvantaged people.          “It’s a fact that companies   be scaled, Sean believes they
                                                                     “Companies that achieve this   find it is easier to fund a   can offer a viable and long-term
                                                                                                                                means of transforming our
                                                                    spend requirement are rewarded   handful of students at higher   youth unemployment rates, our
                                                                    with a total of four points on   costs. There are, however, an
                                                                    their scorecards, points that can   increasing number of progressive   workplaces, income inequality
                                                                                                                                and ultimately, our economy.
                                                                    build a more equitable South   organisations that are looking to
                                                                    Africa as these have been set aside   accredited training providers to   “It’s entirely logical that
                                                                    solely for bursaries for previously   fund more competitively priced   transformation and B-BBEE in
                                                                    disadvantaged students at basic,   qualifications, allowing them to   the private and public sectors are
                                                                    higher or tertiary education   support more students and make   closely aligned with the critical
                                                                    Institutions,” Sean adds.     an even greater impact.”      need to provide quality education
                                                                     The points are earned for     Sean uses EduPower as an     to as many young South Africans
                                                                                                                                as possible. By optimising the
                                                                    expenditure on institution based   example of just how life-changing
                                                                    theoretical training – be it a   this type of bursary programme   bursaries available under skills
                                                                                                                                development, we can provide
                                                                    degree, diploma or certificate – at   can be. The majority of the   the much-needed capital and
                                                                    accredited training providers   Academy’s bursary candidates are   channels to meet these national
                                                                    registered with the Department   people with disabilities (PWDs)
                                                                    of Basic Education or the     and individuals who have proved   goals and provide even more
                                                                                                                                opportunities for our deserving
                                                                                                  themselves through learnerships.
                                                                    Department of Higher Education.
                                                                                                  Their bursaries have provided   youngsters,” he concludes. 
                                                                     The training costs that are   them with a unique opportunity
         Sean Sharp                                                 covered by bursaries include   to develop even further.     W:


        Michael Gullan, CEO, G&G Advocacy  of active learning may not be   that is active and engaging.   wasting learning opportunities   10.  Multifunctional Planning
                                      possible. But with a vision,   Organisations that embrace   and resources. Every day is an   Involve a variety of teams,
               ctive e-learning is an   guidance and empowerment    active e-learning are excited to   opportunity for your teams to   such as admin, HR, IT,
               approach to online     across functional teams, leaders   cross thresholds.        learn and grow.               and department heads.
        Ainstruction that actively    are irreplaceably important for   4.  Embrace technology    7.  Flow Into Individual      Organisations that have diverse
        engages learners through      making change happen.          Avoid taking the joy out     Assessments                   buy-in and involvement with
        conversations, problem solving,   There are 11 key factors that   of learning with complex or   Integrate your e-learning   identifying objectives and
        case studies, role plays and other   are fundamental for successfully   overlapping technologies.   programmes with employee   content opportunities enjoy
        methods. Active e-learning    growing a culture of active   Rather make use of one        assessments. Focus on the     success in ways beyond what
        places greater responsibility on   e-learning in any organisation.  tailored, learner-centric   individual’s growth needs and   any traditional learning can
        the learner to engage, integrate                            platform, designed specifically   correlate learning with their   do. A top-down approach
        and apply.                    1.  eLearning Advocacy        for your organisation and for   performance appraisals.     that’s limited to finance and
                                       Make the benefits and        your learner’s easy adoption.                               procurement will never fly.
        Why then is e-learning still   outcomes of active learning                                8.  Showcase Successes
        stagnant in so many of today’s   widely known and understood,   This dispels the stigma that   Showcase e-learning success to   11.  Budget Strategy
        organisations?                across all levels of employees.   e-learning is clunky, boring,   generate internal (and external)   Create a planned financial
                                                                    complex, or costly.
          The one key ingredient to   This will ignite a workforce that                           enthusiasm and enhance        approach, from strategy
        growing a culture of active   wants to develop themselves –   5.  General Adoption        recruitment efforts, recognising   to implementation to optimisation
        e-learning in organisations   and their organisation – and not   Don’t limit your e-learning   that today’s employees expect   and growth, tying all phases
        is a leadership team that     think of learning as a task, but a   programmes to just one   learning opportunities within   directly to employee and
        recognises and promotes the   passion.                      department. Smart e-learning   their organisation.          department success metrics and
        purpose and value of active                                 solutions can be used across all   9.  Leadership Champions  the organisation’s strategic plan.
        learning. These are learning   2.  Multiple Training Methods  departments and all levels of                              Organisations are dynamic
        champions who understand       Transitioning to e-learning   employees, laying a foundation   Leaders who maintain a    structures, forever responding
        that continuous learning has   can be challenging, let alone   for growth.                rigorous focus on active      to internal and external factors
        a greater role to play as it can   to active e-learning. Develop   6.  Align Deployment with   learning and inspire others   that need to evolve at breakneck
        effectively overcome some of   an organisational strategy that   Business Objectives      to become torchbearers play   speed.
        their organisation’s biggest   includes incentives, and healthy                           a monumental role in the
                                                                                                                                 There’s no denying that
        challenges, and even assist in   competition via gamification,   Roll out e-learning      success of robust e-learning   learning and development
        achieving their stretch goal.   to ensure widespread cultural   programmes to teams and   programmes. In contrast,
                                      change.                       departments that can make     without leaders’ enlightenment   across all levels of a business
          Of course, no leader can do it                            the greatest impact first, and   and involvement, HR and L&D   are critical to its survival, let
        alone. Without Human Resources   3.  Innovative Culture     then follow through with other   teams are often blocked in their   alone success, and the support
        (HR) and administrative        Motivate your staff to embrace   departments. That way you will   efforts to proliferate ongoing   of its leaders is the only way to
        champions as support, a culture   this new way of learning   get early results and reduce   learning and development.   ensure success. 

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